Additional rules
-I haven't gotten the SniffSpot calendar to work with my regular calendar so I might not know you are booked. Go ahead in any way and we'll make things work out. We're almost always around.
-Please check to be sure that the gates on either side of the house are closed and latched.
-You are welcome to use the deck to sit and relax and, if Ann is around, she'll probably come out to chat. If the umbrellas are tied down, feel free to raise them but please leave them as you found them.
-There is a hose on the left side of the deck (facing the house) and a water bowl for your pup. It might be turned off on the coldest days of winter--we'll refill from the sink in that case.
-Please use plastic to pick up after your pet but feel free to drop the bags in the large black-top trash bin on the way out.
-Any play toys in the backyard are fair game. Enjoy!