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Looking for a public dog park in Columbus, Ohio?
Bexley Natural Dog Park
Fully Fenced
2130 Astor Ave, Columbus, OH
Small dog friendly
Dog washing area
Park rules:
Big Walnut Dog Park
Fully Fenced
5000 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH
Park hours:
7 a.m.-11 p.m.
Small dog friendly
Park rules:
{RULES,"• Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by any dog they bring to the park. Users of this park do so at their own risk. Neither the City of Columbus nor Columbus Recreation and Parks Department shall be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must immediately pick up and properly dispose of dog waste and must fill in any holes dug by your dog(s).
• No pets other than dogs are permitted in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must have proper license and vaccination tags while in the park.
• Remove chokers and spiked collars while in the gate area.
• Do not bring dogs that are aggressive, sick or in heat.
• Although Columbus Recreation and Parks Department does not require vaccination or medical records for the dogs in our parks, for most communicable viral dog diseases such as Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) and Canine Parvovirus (Parvo), prevention through vaccination is strongly recommended.
o Information regarding canine influenza.
o Information regarding canine parvovirus.
• Dogs must be at least 4 months old.
• Handlers must leash and remove their dog(s) at the first sign of aggressive behavior.
• Handlers must remain in the park with leash at all times.
• Handlers may not bring more than 2 dogs.
• Handlers must have their dogs under “Direct Control” at all times.
o No owner of any animal shall permit such animal to run large on any property not his own.
o Owner shall have animal securely leashed or under “Direct Control” at all times.
o Direct Control means the animal will come, sit and stay on command from the owner.
o Direct Control is part of Columbus City Code 2327.11, and violation of this code is a 3rd degree misdemeanor.
• Handlers may use only bite-sized treats in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must be 18 years old. Children under 13 are not permitted unless accompanied by an adult.
• All Columbus Recreation and Parks rules and Columbus City Codes are enforced. Columbus Police 614-645-4545. Emergency 911. Call 311 with any concerns about the Dog Park.
Dog Park at Quarry Trails Metro Park
Fully Fenced
2600 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH
Park hours:
Small dog friendly
Park rules:
Dog Park at Scioto Audubon Metro Park
Fully Fenced·1.5 Acres
400 W Whittier St, Columbus, OH
Park hours:
April 1-September 30: 6:30am-10pm
October 1-March 31: 6:30am-8pm
{RULES:,"• Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by any dog they bring to the park. Users of this park do so at their own risk. Neither the City of Columbus nor Columbus Recreation and Parks Department shall be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must immediately pick up and properly dispose of dog waste and must fill in any holes dug by your dog(s).
• No pets other than dogs are permitted in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must have proper license and vaccination tags while in the park.
• Remove chokers and spiked collars while in the gate area.
• Do not bring dogs that are aggressive, sick or in heat.
• Although Columbus Recreation and Parks Department does not require vaccination or medical records for the dogs in our parks, for most communicable viral dog diseases such as Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) and Canine Parvovirus (Parvo), prevention through vaccination is strongly recommended.
o Information regarding canine influenza.
o Information regarding canine parvovirus.
• Dogs must be at least 4 months old.
• Handlers must leash and remove their dog(s) at the first sign of aggressive behavior.
• Handlers must remain in the park with leash at all times.
• Handlers may not bring more than 2 dogs.
• Handlers must have their dogs under “Direct Control” at all times.
o No owner of any animal shall permit such animal to run large on any property not his own.
o Owner shall have animal securely leashed or under “Direct Control” at all times.
o Direct Control means the animal will come, sit and stay on command from the owner.
o Direct Control is part of Columbus City Code 2327.11, and violation of this code is a 3rd degree misdemeanor.
• Handlers may use only bite-sized treats in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must be 18 years old. Children under 13 are not permitted unless accompanied by an adult.
• All Columbus Recreation and Parks rules and Columbus City Codes are enforced. Columbus Police 614-645-4545. Emergency 911. Call 311 with any concerns about the Dog Park.
Godown Park
Fully Fenced
6099 Godown Rd, Columbus, OH
Park hours:
Dawn to dusk
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Park rules:
• Dogs must be licensed, healthy, current on vaccinations & spayed/neutered
o There are health risks any time your dog interacts with other dogs. Healthy, vaccinated dogs are at a lower risk of getting ill as a result of visiting the dog park. Talk to your veterinarian about the risks and what vaccinations are recommended. Consult with your vet about your dog’s overall health before coming to the dog park.
o Concerning spay and neutering. In addition to accidental puppies, intact males can experience social problems. An unneutered dog’s high testosterone level can make him the target of harassment or aggression from other male dogs.
o Females in heat can inadvertently cause dogfights.
• Dogs must be over 4 months old
Why this is a rule...
o The immune system for puppies under four months is not fully mature, making them highly susceptible to potentially deadly and contagious diseases.
o Until your puppy has had all its’ shots, don’t bring it to the dog park. Instead, consider arranging play dates at the homes of friends/family who have healthy dogs and puppies. You can also enroll your puppy in a puppy class that includes off-leash playtime in a safe, clean environment.
o While socializing your puppy is one of the most important things you will ever do, the dog park may not be the best option for beginning socialization. For young puppies, a dog park can be scary and overwhelming, potentially giving your puppy life-long issues with other dogs.
• Handlers must keep your dog in sight & be in direct control of your dog at all times. You are liable for your dog’s behavior and actions (Ohio code, Columbus Ord. 2327)
Why this is a rule...
o Your dog is your personal property. You are legally responsible for damage or injury caused by your dog. This includes injury to another dog or person.
o You should always remain with your dog, observant of its’ behavior, as no one knows your dog as well as you. If your dog becomes upset, worried, scared, belligerent, or a nuisance to other users, please remove them from the park. Remember, you are your dog’s best advocate.
o Finally, you also need to watch to know when and where your dog “does its’ business” so you can quickly clean it up.
• Dogs must not be wearing a chain, choke, prong or e-collar
Why this is a rule...
o During dog play, other dogs can get their teeth caught in a chain, choke or prong collar when playing and panic when stuck, causing injury to themselves and the dog wearing the collar. A prong or pinch collar may also get caught up on a fence and will be painful if pushed into the dog's neck during play, potentially causing a fight because of a perceived \"signal of threat\".
o While not a rule, halters are discouraged as they too can get caught up during play.
o Plain, buckle, stretchy or leather collars are the safest choices at the dog park.
• Dogs must wear a leash to the dog park and have it removed inside the dog park
Why this is a rule...
o For your dog’s safety, keep the leash on until you are safely in the double-gated entry area. Godown Road is a busy road and trains do frequently travel on the nearby tracks. Best to play it safe.
o Both the small dog and large dog areas have two double-gated entrances. Once inside the double-gated area, and before entering the off-leash area, unleash your dog.
o The dog park is an \"off leash\" area. If you need to keep your dog on leash, you should, for your dog's own safety and comfort, consider not bringing him or her into the park. Being kept on leash with other dogs that are not on-leash can trigger aggression and create tension between dogs. Leashes interfere with a dog’s natural body language, dogs can get tangled up in them and dogs who become stressed by constant pulling against a leash can act in undesirable ways. It will also put your dog at a tremendous disadvantage if something goes \"wrong\".
• Dogs must be on your best behavior to stay in off leash areas because aggressive/overly playful behavior won't be tolerated
Why this is a rule...
o Often people mistakenly believe that if their dog fears or dislikes other dogs, the dog just need socialization to “get over it”. However, if your dog is fearful or nervous around other dogs, exposing it to unfamiliar dogs could worsen existing issues.
o If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior toward other dogs, visits to a dog park may worsen the behavior and put other people’s dogs at risk or ruin their enjoyment of the park.
o If you’d like to help your dog with socialization or aggression problems, there are numerous classes and qualified trainers in our area who can assist you.
o Educate yourself about dog behavior, canine communication and body language. Behavior that concerns some dog owners may simply be a rambunctious play style.
o Always respect other dog owners' wishes if someone is not comfortable with how your dog is interacting with theirs. Simply move to another part of the park for a while or leave the dog park if your dog is acting in an aggressive manner or having a bad day.
o What should you do if someone else has a dog acting aggressively?
o First, remove your dog from the situation. Second, if it is safe, politely tell the dog's owner that you feel their dog is behaving aggressively and ask them to take some action to control their dog or leave the park. If you do not feel safe or your request has no effect, call Worthington Parks and Rec at 614-436-2743 and file a report.
• No more than two (2) dogs per person/owner at a time
Why this is a rule...
o It is very difficult for one person to effectively control and supervise more than two dogs. If you have more than two dogs, feel free to bring a friend or relative to assist with the close supervision.
• You must clean up your dog’s poop IMMEDIATELY
Why this is a rule...
o No one likes a little poo on the shoe. Moreover, it’s unhealthy and can spread disease as there are some canine diseases that spread through feces.
o Our dog park will be equipped with waste receptacles and bags for your convenience. Use them!
o Also, please pick up any \"orphan poo\". From time to time, you may also have missed your own dog’s “presents”. If you notice that a dog has pooped and the owner seems unaware of it, politely point it out to them.
o Additionally, please also pick up trash, cigarette butts, litter and anything else on the ground that could possibly be eaten by a dog. Before you drop something on the ground, consider \"Would I want my dog to eat this?\"
o In summary, leave the dog park better than you found it. It's the small price to pay for this beautiful space.
• No children under the age of 9 are allowed inside the fenced areas of the dog park. Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Children 9 to 12 must be under the direct supervision of an adult, meaning in very close proximity at all times when within the fenced areas.
Why this is a rule...
o This is a dog park and not all dogs are child-friendly.
o Herding dogs may nip at children while attempting to “round them up.” Children playing or running around in the park may invite dogs to demonstrate this behavior.
o Dogs running and chasing may inadvertently knock down a child.
o Direct eye contact is confrontational to dogs. An interested child staring into a dog’s face may provoke a dog unintentionally.
o Never let your child have toys or food in the Dog Park. A friendly dog may knock down your child to get at the toy or food.
o One adult to supervise several children and the family dog is not sufficient to ensure everyone’s safety. Be sure you can take care of everyone you bring to the park.
o All dogs have the potential to bite. A small child is more likely to be bitten in the face if a bite occurs.
o Never allow your child to approach or pet a strange dog without the owner’s presence and approval.
o Children are more susceptible to contracting intestinal worms and other infections from touching grass, rocks or toys where feces and urine are present.
• Dog Handlers must be 18 or older.
Why this is a rule…
o As you are responsible for your dog’s actions, handlers must be of a legally responsible age.
• Stop your dog from digging
Why this is a rule...
o Let’s keep the park nice for everyone.
• No human food of any kind or glass containers into the dog park
Why this is a rule...
o Food can trigger fights between dogs. It’s that simple.
• Do not bring dog treats or toys of any kind into the dog park
Why this is a rule...
o Some dogs may have allergic reactions to treats and treats accidentally dropped on the ground could cause problems. Additionally, some dogs are treat and/or toy possessive. Treats and toys, as with food, can trigger fights between dogs. With treats and toys, there’s just too much potential for dogs to engage in guarding or stealing behavior that can lead to aggression and fights.
o Additionally, toys can be accidentally left or lost at the dog park. If left laying around on the ground, they become a real headache for the maintenance staff and problematic for mowers and equipment.
• Carry your dog’s leash with you at all times
Why this is a rule...
o A leash is a sure way of gaining control over your dog in an emergency situation.
• Adhere to the City of Worthington and City of Columbus rules and City Ordinances
- report all unattended dogs to the Franklin County Animal Warden at 614-462-3400.
- report dog bites, to 614-645-7288, Columbus Health Department, or Worthington Animal Control at 614-645-4361
- report dangerous animals to 614-645-6748, the number for the Columbus Public Health Veterinarian
- for assistance in unsafe situations, please call 911.
As a dog owner you are liable for injuries and damage inflicted by your dog. Watch your dog carefully! If your dog injures a person or a dog, give your name and phone number to the injured party. Report to law enforcement authorities any handlers who refuse to take responsibility for damages/injuries and who are endangering the safety of others. Record their license plate number, if possible.
The success of this park depends on self-policing and the good manners of its users. Please address potential problems before they become big problems. A friendly reminder is better than an angry confrontation. However, do not get in over your head! You always have the option of calling the police, or taking your dog and walking away. It’s always better to remove yourself and your dog to safety and consider coming back another day or time.
LUMC Dog Park
Fully Fenced
200 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH
Small dog friendly
Park rules:
Dog Park Rules
• Have fun!!
• Please keep your dog from jumping on other dogs or people.
• Pick up your dog’s waste and dispose of it in the receptacle provided.
• Do not allow your dogs to be aggressive towards people or other dogs.
• Remember to keep your dog on a leash until you enter the park area.
• Remember that off-leash does not mean out of control.
• Park is not responsible for injury or damage; enjoy at your own risk.
In an emergency, please call 911
Wheeler Memorial Dog Park
Fully Fenced·1.5 Acres
725 Thurber Dr, Columbus, OH
Park hours:
7 a.m.-11 p.m.
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Park rules:
Dog Park Rules
• Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by any dog they bring to the park. Users of this park do so at their own risk. Neither the City of Columbus nor Columbus Recreation and Parks Department shall be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must immediately pick up and properly dispose of dog waste and must fill in any holes dug by your dog(s).
• No pets other than dogs are permitted in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must have proper license and vaccination tags while in the park.
• Remove chokers and spiked collars while in the gate area.
• Do not bring dogs that are aggressive, sick or in heat.
• Although Columbus Recreation and Parks Department does not require vaccination or medical records for the dogs in our parks, for most communicable viral dog diseases such as Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) and Canine Parvovirus (Parvo), prevention through vaccination is strongly recommended.
o Information regarding canine influenza.
o Information regarding canine parvovirus.
• Dogs must be at least 4 months old.
• Handlers must leash and remove their dog(s) at the first sign of aggressive behavior.
• Handlers must remain in the park with leash at all times.
• Handlers may not bring more than 2 dogs.
• Handlers must have their dogs under “Direct Control” at all times.
o No owner of any animal shall permit such animal to run large on any property not his own.
o Owner shall have animal securely leashed or under “Direct Control” at all times.
o Direct Control means the animal will come, sit and stay on command from the owner.
o Direct Control is part of Columbus City Code 2327.11, and violation of this code is a 3rd degree misdemeanor.
• Handlers may use only bite-sized treats in the Dog Park.
• Handlers must be 18 years old. Children under 13 are not permitted unless accompanied by an adult.
• All Columbus Recreation and Parks rules and Columbus City Codes are enforced. Columbus Police 614-645-4545. Emergency 911. Call 311 with any concerns about the Dog Park.
55We had such a great time throwing the ball and getting rid of our zoomies this morning. It was super hot and there was a spicket to refill our doggy water bottle and human water bottle lol. He was too interested in fetch to play in the pool, but it was a nice option to have! Shade in the side yard was much appreciated for rests between zoomies. Clean yard, no sign of poo etc. Thanks!Sandra T.
Sandra T.
June 2024
We had such a great time throwing the ball and getting rid of our zoomies this morning. It was super hot and there was a spicket to refill our doggy water bottle and human water bottle lol. He was too interested in fetch to play in the pool, but it was a nice option to have! Shade in the side yard was much appreciated for rests between zoomies. Clean yard, no sign of poo etc. Thanks!
55This was perfect! Completely fenced in and allowed my pup Indians to have some off leash time and to get some training in without distractions! Super easy to find and getting to play in the pool to cool off was great. Will be back!Marissa S.
Marissa S.
June 2024
This was perfect! Completely fenced in and allowed my pup Indians to have some off leash time and to get some training in without distractions! Super easy to find and getting to play in the pool to cool off was great. Will be back!
55Spacious and clean space for my boys to run and explore! I had a little trouble with the back gate, but the host was very helpful and responsive. The bug spray was very much appreciated! We hope to return soon 🙂Courtney W.
Courtney W.
July 2024
Spacious and clean space for my boys to run and explore! I had a little trouble with the back gate, but the host was very helpful and responsive. The bug spray was very much appreciated! We hope to return soon 🙂
55Exactly as advertised! The gate was left ajar so it was easy to get in. The mosquitos were out so the free bug spray came in clutch - greatly appreciated! Rachel L.
Rachel L.
August 2024
Exactly as advertised! The gate was left ajar so it was easy to get in. The mosquitos were out so the free bug spray came in clutch - greatly appreciated!
55super awesome spot! Private and fenced in, perfect place for training or private play for your dog. Host was super friendly and kind and maintained the yard well.Nadia R.
Nadia R.
August 2024
super awesome spot! Private and fenced in, perfect place for training or private play for your dog. Host was super friendly and kind and maintained the yard well.
55Anna’s place was a perfect spot to take my puppy! We are training him and trying to socialize him with other dogs since he has a lot of anxiety and this was a great place to do training with him!Jessica I.
Jessica I.
August 2024
Anna’s place was a perfect spot to take my puppy! We are training him and trying to socialize him with other dogs since he has a lot of anxiety and this was a great place to do training with him!
55Although we had to unfortunately cancel, the communication from initially scheduling to canceling was wonderful. Always quick responses and answers to any questions. We can't wait to actually visit which we hope will be later this week.Erin U.
Erin U.
September 2024
Although we had to unfortunately cancel, the communication from initially scheduling to canceling was wonderful. Always quick responses and answers to any questions. We can't wait to actually visit which we hope will be later this week.
55Our pups absolutely loved their visit to this Sniffspot, so much space to run, and bask in the sun! The little pool and water hose was nice on a hot day. Will definitely visit again! heather e.
heather e.
October 2024
Our pups absolutely loved their visit to this Sniffspot, so much space to run, and bask in the sun! The little pool and water hose was nice on a hot day. Will definitely visit again!
55This was the perfect spot for my two pups! The yard is large and secure, but not large enough to where I couldn’t keep my eyes on them. They had fun just sniffing and running, but my Aussie absolutely loved playing with the hose and chasing the water! The yard itself is mostly clear and level- which was great as my other dog is blind, so the less he can run into- the better:) communication and access to the yard were a breeze as well- we will definitely be back! Merri F.
Merri F.
October 2024
This was the perfect spot for my two pups! The yard is large and secure, but not large enough to where I couldn’t keep my eyes on them. They had fun just sniffing and running, but my Aussie absolutely loved playing with the hose and chasing the water! The yard itself is mostly clear and level- which was great as my other dog is blind, so the less he can run into- the better:) communication and access to the yard were a breeze as well- we will definitely be back!
55For small dog owners, on each side of the house is a small hole in the fence that my dogs obsessed over. Just keep a close eye on them in the side yards and it should be fine! There were fairy lights over the main part of the backyard which was nice since it gets dark so early. Mine decided to stay in the dark by the fence line and in the side yards, so I would recommend a small flashlight in case you have doggo spies on a top secret mission like I unknowingly had. The yard was clean and the grass was cut. There were dogs that could be heard but they didn’t bother my dogs. The neighbor coming in and out of his house to do things drove my dogs crazy but I just redirected them. There’s nothing that can be done about that. Overall great experience. Rachel G.
Rachel G.
November 2024
For small dog owners, on each side of the house is a small hole in the fence that my dogs obsessed over. Just keep a close eye on them in the side yards and it should be fine! There were fairy lights over the main part of the backyard which was nice since it gets dark so early. Mine decided to stay in the dark by the fence line and in the side yards, so I would recommend a small flashlight in case you have doggo spies on a top secret mission like I unknowingly had. The yard was clean and the grass was cut. There were dogs that could be heard but they didn’t bother my dogs. The neighbor coming in and out of his house to do things drove my dogs crazy but I just redirected them. There’s nothing that can be done about that. Overall great experience.
55beautiful little back yard! our dog is getting older and doesn’t run as much, but she had an amazing time hanging out and getting some sun here. Host was communicative and friendly. Clementine M.
Clementine M.
May 2024
beautiful little back yard! our dog is getting older and doesn’t run as much, but she had an amazing time hanging out and getting some sun here. Host was communicative and friendly.
How do Columbus's private dog parks work?
Private rentals by the hour
Our hosts are locals that are renting their yards and private land to dog owners
Trust and safety first
Spots are designed for safety and both hosts and guests are reviewed after each visit
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit
Reactive dogs welcome
Many of the spots we list are designed with sensitive dogs in mind
Become a Sniffpass holder!
Get discounts on all bookings at all spots by buying monthly credits! Learn more!
FAQ about our Columbus dog parks
Are dog parks good for dogs?
It is important for dogs to have off leash exercise to sniff and run. But the free and open nature of public dog parks has drawbacks. There could be aggressive dogs, disease transmission and cleanliness issues. For this reason, many dog behaviorists discourage visiting public dog parks and recommend Sniffspot's private dog parks. Sniffspot private dog parks only allow one guest to book at a time and are not open to the public, which solves many of these issues.
Are dog parks safe?
While public dog parks have a number of safety issues, such as aggressive dogs, disease transmission and general cleanliness, Sniffspot dog parks much safer than public dog parks. With Sniffspot all bookings are private for just you and dogs you bring with you and we require all dogs to be vaccinated (or have equivalent titers). All Sniffspot locations are vetted and reviewed by guests so you can find the perfect place for you and your dog. 97% of reviews on Sniffspot visits in the Columbus area are 5 stars.
How do I know if a dog park works for my dog?
You can filter Sniffspot dog parks by fencing and distractions. If your dog doesn't have good recall, you can visit one of our 128 fully fenced dog parks in the area. If your dog is reactive to other dogs, you can visit one of our 20 off leash areas where there are no dogs audible or visible nearby. You can also filter locations to avoid other domestic animals and people. We also recommend reading reviews and reaching out to the host with any questions.
What is the best dog beach near Columbus?
The best Sniffspot dog beach near Columbus is . At Sniffspot beaches dogs can generally be off leash.
Does Columbus have any fully fenced dog parks?
Sniffspot has 128 fully fenced dog parks in or near Columbus. Browse all fully enclosed options.
Are there dog agility courses for rent in Columbus?
Sniffspot has dog parks with agility equipment and/or dog obstacles in or near Columbus. The most popular agility option is CynoCentric Indoor Private Dog Space.
Where in Columbus can I find a pool for dog swimming?