Additional rules
The main house is down the driveway with a red Dodge Caravan parked in front of it. The main house is inaccessible to guests. You are welcome to explore all of the land that we own. If you have any questions about where the property line is, feel free to call. Our best number is 901-288-6914. The neighbors at 2257 own everything up the hill by their driveway.
If you use the restroom or the water at the cabin located towards the back of the land, please clean up after yourselves and leave the space tidy. If there is a car parked outside the cabin, please knock on the door before entering as we may have a guest staying there (though rare), it is our guest house. Please don't allow your dogs to harm the farm animals or barn cats (though you will likely never see the barn cats.) If the cabin is unoccupied, you are welcome to use the outside chairs and firepit.
If you would like to schedule an overnight stay in the cabin with your dogs, please select the add-on when booking.
Enjoy the land, and watch where you step. There may be holes.