Additional rules
🚙 Parking is not an issue. Please park as shown in last photo where arrow : when driving up to the house, turn left before the barn near white fence to park.
💦 trail to Water front accessible from the left side of the house (summer days). See Google map photo / green line = your play area limit.
We do not cut the grass in the field so it is a big space for dogs to run but not for humans to walk - most visitors let their dog run free.
🗺️ Fenced between our street neighbors — trees between the other. The pond is the furthest you should go, further is our neighbor’s. Also river is another field limit.
Winter: snowshoe needed, to do now remove snow from the field. Play area for winter with thick snow.
Spring : might get mud on your shoes, wear rain boots!
Please pick up dog poop at all times ! 💩
🗑️ Garbage at your disposal near the garage.