Additional rules
Please park by the cone next to the sign marked "Sniff Spotters Park Here." There is a map of the land and some items for sale in the front room of the barn- go in through the man door (there is a sign on the man door/store entrance stating Welcome). There are also plants for sale in the greenhouse so please feel free to visit the greenhouse as well. Please do not go into the barn as there are animals in there that are afraid of dogs and we want to avoid injuries. To access the trails, please walk down the driveway and cross over in front of the fenced pasture walking toward the bridge. Once you cross the bridge, you will see the mowed trail. Please stay on the trail and off the Monarch Waystation which is roped off. The milkweed is conserved as we are trying to help the Monarchs. Please keep your dog leashed while close to the barn. Once you cross the bridge you can unleash your dog at that point as long as they won't chase any animals. Thank you:)