Additional rules
Please don’t cross over to neighbors property. Feel free to ask any questions via text.
Some directions to get here have you go to the gas station and then cut through a small dirt road. Please be aware of this and do not use this cut through. Entrance to cross bow is accessed from the highway (u-turn ) from the highway.
2 Adults max per dog! (Unless otherwise arranged)
You can go 360 around the house but please give a 100 foot buffer from house In all directions.
When you come down cross bow you will
Come Straight down the hill till you see a stop sign, that’s my driveway. Park where ever. There is an old fence line that you can follow around the property, there is a little spring In the meadow. The back of the property there is no fence but you will see a black wire that marks the property. Also there is a water bowl we will leave out on the front of the house, Feel free to get water out of the spickets on the house. The main meadow if you follow the fence from right to left, you will come to the spring and then a bit further you will hit a fence that cuts diagonal , there is a large opening where a gate was at one point, it is still my property past this so you can go up the hill and and go pretty far down when it starts getting steep. There are some cool rock outcroppings and a little teepee you can try and find! Also a pretty cool city view behind the fence! Again if you have any questions feel free to ask!
This time of year snow can be deep so bring snow shoes for exploring.