Additional rules
All the info, rules and details you need for our SniffSpot. By booking our SniffSpot you are agreeing to all rules and information below so please be sure to read to the end. Be extra sure you read the Pool Rules, even in the off season, as they are the most important for you and your pets safety.
1. Persons ages 16 and younger are not permitted to enter our SniffSpot at any time.
2. Your reservation is limited to TWO adults. Additional adults may be added as an extra.
3. Be sure to smile, you are on camera as soon as you enter the driveway!
4. Please park on the right side of the driveway and enter the yard through the smaller gate next to the house.
5. It is very important that your dogs are up to date on all their vaccines and monthly preventatives. We do have foster dogs from time to time who are not and will have have access to the yard. We do not recommend our SniffSpot for under vaccinated puppies for this reason. If you have a puppy and want to use our Spot, you are welcome to ask us about our current foster dog status and make your own choice.
6. You are welcome to use any of the chairs, tables and umbrellas (seasonal) that are out. Please return them where you found them and close all umbrellas when you are done.
7. My dogs often leave their toys in the backyard. Your dogs are welcome to play with them. If for some reason one becomes damaged, please message me and to let me know! I have 4 German Shepherds, it happens.
8. Xfinity Wifi is available at the picnic table if needed. Message me and I will open the network for you to connect. There is a power outlet by the stairs you may use but you will need to bring your own extension cord.
9. Please dispose of all trash in the big bins in the driveway by the garage. You may dispose your dog waste bags in our trash bins as well.
10. Do not go in any of the sheds or bins except the one marked Life Jackets.
11. Certain times of the year we have a fenced in vegetable garden within the yard. The produce can hang over the sides and be accessible to your dog. Please be mindful of this. Nothing grown is harmful to them but some of it is very tasty to them.
12. We do treat our yard with fertilizer and pet safe pesticides.
13. Please no glass or ceramic or other breakable objects on the pool deck.
14. Proper swim attire is required in the pool at all times.
**Pool Rules**
Please note the pool deck has multiple levels especially near the deep end; there is a step down. There is also a stone that is ajar near the shallow end stairs to the upper patio.
April- October
Adults may use the pool to swim and play with their dog in appropriate swim attire. We ask that your primary focus of your visit is for your dog! Our SniffSpot is not designed for you to swim while your dog wanders the yard. Children under 16yo are not allowed in the pool or on the property at any time. We encourage you not to bring them to reduce the temptation. There is a maximum of TWO adults per visit during pool season.
The pool is about 8.5 feet at max depth and 3.5 feet at the shallow end. There are stairs and a bench at the shallow end and a seat/step at the deep. It is a salt water pool and is NOT heated. The pool water temperature will fluctuate based on the outdoor temperature and recent rains. Towards the beginning and end of pool season the water temperature may drop below 70.
Your doggie is welcome to jump off the top wall after their toy, lay on the steps or simply just go for a swim. Doggie life jackets are in the storage bin by the basement walk up stairs. Feel free to use one. Please leave wet jackets on the picnic table when you’re done.
Please do not allow your dog to use any of the plastic pool floats as their nails will pop them. There is a blue dog float with white paw prints they’re welcome to use! If their ball or toy sinks, there is a net hanging on the black railing by the basement stairs that you can use to retrieve it. If you cannot get it, we will get it at a later time.
During pool season, if you do not wish for your dog to have access to the pool, please message me for a 50% off discount code and I will close the pool’s grey auto safety cover. The auto cover is not water permeable. It is safe for your dog to walk on and run across but again please try to discourage this as it can damage the cover.
October to April-
The pool is closed. We reduce the rate during this time as the pool is closed and has a green winter cover on it. Please keep your dog off the pool cover as it is not designed to be played on. We understand they will more than likely run across it, which is not a big deal, but please try to discourage it. The cover can support “the weight of an elephant” but we have never tried. The green cover *IS* water permeable and your dog *WILL* get wet if they lay in the middle of it. The green winter cover does not prevent drowning.
If your dog is nearing the Rainbow Bridge and you’re searching for a place to take them swimming, please send me a message to discuss!