Yes (Always)
our free ranging chickens can be seen/heard but will be secured inside their coop enclosure when guests are present.
The chicken house/enclosure is 50 feet away from the enclosed zoomie pen so they can be a distraction. We have visual barrier along 1/2 of the chickens enclosure. I look at this as an opportunity to practice my “leave-it” ques with our dogs!
If the chickens are an issue when going from the zoomie pen to the field and back woods, leash dogs when passing if you believe they will have an issue.
our chickens free range the entire property, so we sometimes miss a poop here or there!
There are Llamas and cows in the neighboring pasture behind us when in the backwoods, that are visible from some parts of the fence.
97% of guests saw/heard
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit.