Red Dog Park
Please initial each rule to indicate that you have read it, understand it, and agree to abide by it.
_________ Keep an eye on your dog at all times, and always keep a dog leash with you.
_________ All dogs must be pre-screened by a member of the Cincinnati Resort management team prior to their first entry into the park. This pre-screening ensures appropriate socialization and can be set up during business hours and should about 5-10 minutes.
_________ Poop: Clean up after your dog! No exceptions! Owners must remove and dispose of their dog’s poop immediately using the plastic bags and garbage receptacles provided. Please seal all bags.
_________ Do not let anyone outside of your contract through the members gate at any point in time. Only those who are authorized with a registered key fob are permitted to enter the dog park. Your personal entry fob is for your use only and is not to be shared with those outside of this agreement. If you choose to ever disregard this rule, it may result in the termination of your membership. If you come across another member who claims to have forgotten or misplaced, their entry fob, simply direct them to the office for assistance. If the office is closed, then they will need to either call the business or return when the office is open again.
_________ Dogs must be on leash unless they are in the off-leash park; in the off-leash park dogs should be off-leash unless they are being led from one area of the park to another or in the exterior nature walk area. Dog owners must maintain voice control over their dog(s) and remain near their dog(s) at all times.
_________ No bullies! Rough play is fine as long as it is consensual. Rough play and chasing are not acceptable if any of the dogs involved are not comfortable with the situation. Just because a dog’s intent is to play does not make the dog’s behavior acceptable or tolerable if the other dog is not enjoying itself. Mounting should be discouraged as it is generally not enjoyed by the dog being mounted. All dogs deserve to have a good time at the Park!
_________ Digging holes: Dogs are not allowed to dig holes. If this behavior starts, please redirect your dog and fill any created holes immediately.
_________ Dogs must be up to date on all rounds of vaccinations, including rabies, bordetella and DHPP. Rabies tags should be worn and visible at all times. Puppies must be 3 months or older and have all rounds of boosters.
_________ Children. For safety reasons, those under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and must always be under close supervision. Children must not be allowed to run, scream, chase the dogs, or pet another person’s dog without first getting that person’s permission.
_________ Intact/Unaltered. For safety reasons, we require that all dogs over 6 months of age must be spayed or neutered to use the park. Please note that even if the intact dog is wonderfully behaved, the presence of an intact dog may cause other dogs, even spayed or neutered dogs, to become more aggressive.
_________ If aggressive behavior is observed, take immediate action: move your dog to another area of the park, leave the park, or do whatever you have to do to prevent the behavior from reoccurring (timeout, redirect behavior, etc.)
_________ Altercations. Some experts recommend the following method for breaking up a dog fight: each owner grabs his/her dog by the hindquarters or tail, pulls the dog away from the other dog, and holds onto the dog until it calms down. Even this method is not risk-free-even your own dog could still bite you. Under no circumstances should you ever grab a fighting dog by its collar or anywhere near the biting end of the dog!
_________ Only flat-buckle collars or harnesses should be worn by dogs in the off-leash part of the park. Pronged (pinch), spiked, studded and choke chain collars are not allowed in the off-leash area of the park. These are training collars and allowing a dog to wear them while playing can be dangerous. Electronic collars are not allowed in the park unless their use has been approved by management.
_________ Dogs that are sick, and dogs with obvious external parasites (e.g. fleas) are not to be brought to Red Dog Park. Treatment must be fully completed along with veterinary clearance prior to being able to return to the park if confirmed with an illness or parasite.
_________ Playground equipment is to be used at one’s own risk.
_________ Excessive barking is prohibited. Dogs barking excessively must be removed.
_________ No animals other than dogs are allowed within the park.
_________ Only small dogs are permitted in the small dog area.
_________ Food: Do not feed dog(s) in the park. This includes the use of dog bones, chew treats, etc. “One gulp” treats are permitted. Human food is prohibited from being inside the dog park as it can create a potential hazard to the dogs. Glass containers of any kind are prohibited.
_________ Alcohol/Smoking: Alcohol in any form is not permitted on Red Dog property at any time. No smoking is allowed within the Red Dog park perimeter.
_________ No more than 3 dogs per person are allowed in the Park at one time (with prior approval).
Small dog friendly
Agility equipment