Julien Marx Dog Park at Medal of Honor Park
In addition to the City Code Ordinances, the following are the rules concerning use of City parks.
1. All city parks close at dark, except for boat ramps located in City Parks or otherwise posted or
during City sponsored or co-sponsored events.
2. City ordinance prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages of all kinds. Exceptions exist for certain
City sponsored or co-sponsored events. Only the Mayor has authority to issue an exception to
Ordinance #30-6 (Drinking in Public Places/Parks) and City policy requires that Parks &
Recreation must receive written notice of any exception from the Mayor’s Office.
3. If food of any type is being handled or served, all regulations of the Mobile County
Health Department must be adhered to. That agency phone number is 251-690-8116.
4. Setting up prior to a function and clean up after shall be the responsibility of the user.
5. Use of parks for purely commercial activities, except those commercial activities under lease to
the City, is prohibited. No selling of merchandise, food, beverage or services is allowed.
6. No person, in a park, or on streets, drives, or roadways therein or contiguous to a park,
(A) Shall expose or offer for sale any article or thing, nor shall he station or place any stand,
cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article or thing. Exception is
made as to any regularly licensed concessionaire acting by and under the authority and
regulation of the director. (B) Announce, advertise or call the public attention in any way to an
article or service for sale or hire.
7. No person shall paste, glue, tack or otherwise post any sign, placard, advertisement or
inscription whatever, nor shall any person erect or cause to be erected any sign whatever, on any
public lands or highways or roads in or adjacent to a park unless authorized by Director.
8. Large groups, 100 or more participants, must furnish their own uniformed police protection.
Two (2) officers per 100 people are required.
9. City ordinance prohibits loud, amplified music in the parks.
10. No vehicles are allowed on the grass in any park.
11. No unleashed dogs are allowed in the parks. Citizens are required to remove dog waste from",parks.,"12. No tent stakes are allowed. Sand bags or other non-invasive instruments must be used to put up
tents. Any tents or other items brought into a park for a non-City sponsored event must be
removed by the time of the park closing.
13. No overnight camping is permitted.
14. No grilling over grass without protective surface. All hot coals are to be cooled and removed
with grills from parks. Do not put hot coals in City Trash Receptacles.
15. No fishing in certain locations (certain areas in Cooper are posted “no fishing”).
16. No littering in parks.
17. No swimming, wading or diving is allowed in or around any municipal boat launch, ramp,
dock or pier
Park hours: sunrise to sunset
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Dog washing area