Dog Park at Andreson Park
Amplified Sound. The use of any system of amplifying sounds, as defined in Section 2.45.020 of this chapter, whether for speech or music or otherwise,
is prohibited in any park unless an authorization is first secured.
B. Golf. No person shall play or practice golf or use golf clubs in any area of a park.
C. Model Aircraft. No person shall operate any motor driven model aircraft (i.e., helicopters, airplanes, rockets, etc.) in a park.
D. Parking. No person shall operate or park any vehicle as defined in the California Vehicle Code within a park, except upon areas designated for such use.
No person shall park, abandon, or otherwise allow to remain, any such vehicle or other conveyances in city park facilities between the hours of ten p.m.
and six a.m. except with written permission of the department or as otherwise posted.
E. Litter. No person within any park or facility shall leave any garbage, trash, cans, bottles, papers or other refuse elsewhere than in the receptacles provided
F. Interference. No person within any park or facility shall use or attempt to use or interfere with the use of any table, space or facility within the park or
facility which at the time is reserved for any other person or group which has received authorization from the department therefor. Unless the actual use of
table, space, area, building, or facility referred to in any such authorization is commenced within one hour after the period covered by such authorization
begins, such authorization shall thereupon be void and all rights under such authorization may be canceled by the department.
G. Posted Regulations. No person shall engage in any activity in any park contrary to regulations the department has caused to be posted therein prohibiting
certain activities in certain areas or otherwise controlling conduct therein.
H. Weapons. No person shall have in his/her possession any firearm, air gun, slingshot, or bow and arrow in any park or public facility.
I. Flora. No person other than a duly authorized city employee in the performance of his or her duty or persons participating in city-sponsored activities
shall dig, remove, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any tree, plant, shrub, bloom or flower, or any portion thereof, growing in any park.
J. Removal of Turf or Soil. No person other than a duly authorized city employee in the performance of his or her duty shall remove any wood, turf, grass,
soil, rock, sand or gravel from any park.
K. Marking, Damaging, or Disturbing any Structure. No person other than a duly authorized city employee in the performance of his or her duty shall:
i. Cut, break, deface, or disturb any rock, building, monument, sign, fence, bench, structure, apparatus, equipment or property in a park;
ii. Mark or place thereon any mark, writing or printing;
iii. Attach thereto any sign, card, display or other similar device, except as authorized.
L. Fires. No person shall light or maintain any fire in any park or facility unless such fire is lighted and maintained only in a stove or place provided for such
M. Fireworks. No person shall have in his/her possession any type of fireworks in any city park or public facility.
N. Solicitation or Sale. Other than youth leagues, no person shall solicit in any manner or for any purpose, or sell or offer for sale, any goods, wares or
merchandise in any park or facility, unless upon prior written authorization by the department or other department of the city.
O. Alcoholic Beverages and Smoking. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on city property, including buildings, parks and parking lots. Smoking is not
permitted in any city building.
P. Glass Beverage Containers. No person shall have in his/her possession any glass beverage container in any city park.
Q. Hours of Use. It is unlawful for any person other than a duly authorized city employee to enter, loiter or remain in or on any city park facility at any time
between the hours of ten p.m. and six a.m. except as may be otherwise posted at the entrance to the facility or with written permission of the department.
R. Climbing Trees or Other Objects. No person shall climb any tree, or walk, stand or sit upon monuments, vases, fountains, railings, or upon any other
property not designated or customarily used for such purposes.
S. Automobiles and Other Conveyances. It is unlawful for any person other than a duly authorized city employee to operate or drive an automobile, bicycle,
motorcycle, truck, trailer, wagon, motor scooter, or other conveyances on other than roads or paths designated for that purpose except with permission of
the department or special events committee. A bicyclist shall be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy area or trail or path reserved
for pedestrian use. Automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, wagons, motor scooters or other conveyances shall at all times be operated with
reasonable regard to the safety of others. In no event shall the maximum speed of any such conveyance exceed ten miles per hour except as otherwise
noted. All such conveyances when left unattended shall be parked in an area and manner designated. No such conveyance shall be left unattended in any
place or position where other persons may trip over or be injured by them.
T. Domestic Animals. No domestic animals will be allowed in the park except seeing eye dogs or by written permission of the department.
U. Sports Lighting and Electrical Usage. Field lighting is available subject to approval by the department. Proper light usage, as outlined on field reservation
application, must be adhered to.
V. Loitering and Boisterousness. It is unlawful for any person or group of persons to engage in conduct within a park or public building that is boisterous,
threatening, abusive, insulting, or incites riot, or conduct or behavior tending to cause or causing a breach of the public peace and enjoyment of the
W. Restrooms. No person shall loiter in or about such facilities nor shall any person use such facilities for purposes other than those intended.
X. Compliance Required. No person shall enter, be or remain in, any park or building of the city unless he/she complies with all of the regulations set forth in
this chapter and the administrative policy statement regarding management and use of facilities.
Y. Enforcement of Applicable Laws and Ordinances. All persons entering upon land owned, managed, controlled or operated by the city shall abide by the
rules and regulations of the city, the laws of the state of California, federal laws, and all applicable county and/or municipal ordinances.
Park hours: M - F
6:00 AM — 10:00 PM
6:00 AM — 10:00 PM
6:00 AM — 10:00 PM
Small dog friendly
Agility equipment
Dog drinking water