Wood County Dog Park
Dog Park Rules
1. Dog Park members and their guests shall always follow Dog Park rules, Bowling Green City ordinances, and Ohio Revised Code statutes. Violation by any person may result in Dog Park membership revocation, civil charges, and criminal charges as applicable.
2. Dog Park membership is non-refundable, no exceptions.
3. Inside the Dog Park, members/guests shall always maintain reasonable control of the dog. Outside the Dog Park, members/guests shall always have the dog physically confined by collar and leash. Members/guests shall always hold the leash and maintain reasonable control of the dog. Reasonable control includes, but is not limited to, preventing dogs from causing injury to people or other dogs.
4. Dogs behaving aggressively toward people or other dogs, including but not limited to biting, attempting to bite, or otherwise endangering a person or dog are not permitted within the Dog Park. Members/guests shall immediately remove dogs exhibiting such behavior from the Dog Park and the dogs are not permitted to return. Dogs designated as nuisance, dangerous or vicious pursuant to ORC 955.11; 955.222 are not permitted within the Dog Park.
5. The Dog Park is open from sunrise to sunset and closed from dusk till dawn.
6. Members/guests are asked to relieve their dogs at home and shall clean up after their dogs using the provided mutt mitts and place used mutt mitts in the waste receptacles at the Dog Park. Failure to clean up after your dog is a violation of section 90.04 of the Bowling Green City Ordinances and may result in a civil or criminal charge. Members/guests may not take unused mutt mitts off Dog Park grounds, they are for Dog Park use only.
7. Members/guests under 14 years of age shall be accompanied by a parent/guardian 18 years of age or older.
8. Female dogs in estrus (season/heat) are not permitted to use the Dog Park.
9. Dogs are not permitted to dig holes. Members/guests shall immediately fill holes caused by their dogs. Members/guests may be assessed additional fees to replace dirt, stone, and grass damaged by their dogs.
10. Dogs shall always wear their Ohio county dog license unless the dog resides out of state. Members/guests may be criminally charged for failure to have the license worn pursuant to section 955.10 of the Ohio Revised Code.
11. Only Dog Park members, their registered dogs, and guests, without dogs, are permitted in the Dog Park. Sharing the gate code or allowing any other person or dog access to the Dog Park is not permitted.
12. Members/guests shall use caution and common sense when using the agility equipment and shall not force dogs to use the equipment or endanger dogs in any way. Members/guests shall not climb or walk on agility equipment.
13. Members/guests may request other members/guests not to enter a fenced enclosure they currently occupy. However, members/guests shall not refuse/deny other members entry into a fenced enclosure. The entry gate shall be properly closed and locked before leaving.
14. Members/guests that move agility equipment or benches shall replace the equipment or benches to their original location when finished and jumps shall be put back to their highest position for mowing purposes.
15. Members/guests may bring personal possessions but shall not leave them at the Dog Park. Members/guests are responsible for personal possessions and the risk of loss, theft, or misuse.
16. Report violations of Dog Park rules or incidents and direct questions, maintenance requests, and suggestions to the Wood County Dog Shelter at 419-354-9242 or via e-mail at wcdogshelter@woodcountyohio.gov.
Park hours: Sunrise to sunset
Small dog friendly
Agility equipment