Paw Point Dog Park
Paw Point Rules and Regulations
• All dogs must be fully licensed and fully immunized with tags on theircollars. You may only register dogs that YOU own and have licensed in the jurisdiction that you reside.
• YOU may not hold the gate open or give the gate code to anyone, doing so will result in immediate termination of membership.
• While in Paw Point, your membership tag must be displayed at all times.
• NO CHILDREN under the AGE OF 12 are allowed at Paw Point since small children are vulnerable and can be seriously injured. An adult must accompany all children between the ages of 12-18. ABSOLUTELY NO RUNNING. Admitting children under the age of 12 will result in immediate termination of membership.
• Clean up and dispose of feces left by your dog. Bags and receptacles are provided at PawPoint.
• Owners/Handlers are legally and financially responsible for any injuries caused by their dog(s) and use Paw Point at their OWN RISK. Owners/Handlers are responsible for judging their own dog’s ability to swim and/or to enter or exit the water access area.
• Aggressive dogs are not allowed. Dogs showing aggression towards people or other dogs must be removed from the Dog Park immediately.
• Maximum of 2 dogs per owner/handler.
• Dogs may NEVER be left unattended, under any circumstances. Accompany and supervise your dog at all times, including quick access to placing your dog back on its non-retractable leash. Your dog must be in visual and voice command control at all times.
• Owners/Handlers must stop dogs from digging and immediately fillholes. Hand tools and buckets are located in the common area bin.
• As dogs and handlers enter Paw Point, please do not congregate at the entrance.This is intimidating, and such pack behavior can create tension and spark conflict.
• Excessive barking is prohibited. Dogs barking continuously or uncontrollably must be removed from PawPoint immediately.
• Paw Point is for dogs, their owners or handlers and others accompanying them. No other use isallowed.
• No sick dogs or those with fleas, ticks, worms or other parasites are allowed. Disease spreads rapidlyand jeopardizes the health of all dogs.
• Do not bring puppies younger than 4 months old to Paw Point.
• No Dogs in heat are allowed.
• Professional dog trainers and/or groomers are not permitted to conduct their business at PawPoint.
• Alcohol, smoking, vaping, human food and glass containers are strictly prohibited at PawPoint.
• Bones, rawhides or squeaky toys are prohibited since they can trigger aggression. Frisbees, balls and small training treats are acceptable.
• Prong, spike, or choke collars and retractable leashes are prohibited. These can cause injury or death during play.
• Dogs must be on-leash when entering and exiting the park.
• Be courteous and respectful.
Park hours: SUNRISE: 6:11 AM
Dog drinking water
Lake or pond