Lime Street Dog Park
All dogs must be accompanied by owner or a responsible person 16 years of age
or older. Owners are legally responsible for their dog(s) and any damage
and/or injury caused by their dog(s).
Owners must carry a leash for each dog at all times and leash and unleash dogs
only inside the double-gated area.
Dogs are allowed off-leash when accompanied by, and under positive control of
the person bringing the dog into the park.
Dogs must wear a collar with license.
Please pick up after your dog(s) and dispose of waste in provided receptacles.
No more than two (2) dogs per adult are permitted in the park.
Dogs in heat are not allowed in the park.
Designated Areas: The small dog area is for dogs less than 25 pounds and the
large dog area is for dogs 25 pounds or larger. Owners may take small dogs into
the large dog area but do so at their own risk.
Dogs under 4 months of age are prohibited in this off-leash facility. All dogs
must be current on their vaccinations and free of contagious diseases, conditions,
and parasites.
Dogs showing aggression toward people or other dogs must be immediately
removed from the park by the owner/guardian.
All food, dog and human, is prohibited.
Bringing equipment, obstacles, or apparatus into the Dog Park is prohibited.
Children under the age of 14 must be supervised by an adult.
Special events, contests, or commercial enterprises are by District permit only.
All other District, State, and Local codes, rules, and laws apply.
Dog Park etiquette helps to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone at the Dog
Park, hounds and humans alike!
Never leave your dog unattended and always keep your attention on your dog;
accidents and mischief can happen quickly.
If you see trash, debris, or anything else that’s out of place, pick it up or put it
back so none of the dogs get injured.
Keep your dog on-leash until you get to the off-leash area. This is not just
respectful to other park users; it’s much safer for your dog.
Close the gate to the Dog Park after entering or exiting.
If your dog becomes unruly or plays rough, leash him and leave immediately.
If you must bring children to a Dog Park, supervise them closely.
Don’t smoke or eat while at the Dog Park. Cigarette butts and food wrappers are
tempting treats to dogs, but bad for them.
Don’t scold or touch someone else’s dog. You wouldn’t want them to do that to
your dog.
Be friendly with other dog owners. It’s more enjoyable if everyone is nice to each
Always observe all of the rules posted
Park hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water