Balboa Park
The structures, grounds and landscaping of Balboa Park are managed and maintained by the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department.
Smoking is not permitted in Balboa Park. 63.0102(c)(11)
Alcohol Permitted:
Alcohol is permitted from noon until to 8:00 p.m. in the following locations: Botanical Building East Lawn and West Lawn; House of Pacific Relations Lawn; International Lawn; Mall Lawn; Moreton Bay Fig Lawn; Pan American Plaza Lawn; Recital Hall Lawn.
Alcohol NOT Permitted:
Alcohol use is not permitted in all other areas of Balboa Park. Please review the San Diego Municipal Code on Alcohol Consumption for details.
Dogs must be leashed and under the control of the owner at all times throughout the park, including trails and canyons.
There are three dog parks that do not require a leash:
Balboa Dr. at El Prado, Nate’s Point, south side of Cabrillo Bridge, open 24 hours
Morley Field, northwest of tennis courts. SDMC 63.0102(c)(2), open 24 hours
Grape St. Park is designated and posted as a dog-off-leash area during the following times: Monday-Friday, 7:30–9:00 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday & Holidays, 9:00–9:00 p.m. Dogs off-leash other than the posted times is a violation of SDMC 63.0102(c)(2)(c)
Owners must pick up and dispose of dog feces in all areas.
It is unlawful to destroy or remove any vegetation in the Park. Collection of plants/seeds may be arranged through the Balboa Park horticulturist by calling 235-1114. SDMC 63.0102(c)(4)
All fires must be contained within barbecues. Portable barbecues are permitted and coals must be emptied into the concrete hot coal containers or permanent barbecues.
Glass containers
It is unlawful to possess any cup, jar or container made of glass and used to carry or containing liquid. SDMC 63.0102(c)(7)
Sale of merchandise
It is unlawful to sell any goods or merchandise without written consent of the City. SDMC 63.0102(c)(13)
It is unlawful to practice, conduct or solicit any occupation or profession without the written consent of the City. SDMC 63.0102 (c)(14)
Outdoor Entertainment Permits
Balboa Park Entertainment Permits are issued by lottery (random drawing). Find more information on how to obtain an Outdoor Entertainment Permit for Balboa Park and the rules and regulations in the Balboa Park Entertainer brochure (PDF).
Bicycles are permitted in the Park except at the Spanish Village, House of Pacific Relations International Cottages, and the Rose and Desert Gardens east of Park Blvd. SDMC 63.0102 (c)(19)
Large Groups
Groups of more than 49 persons must obtain a permit to hold or participate in any celebration, parade or special event. Contact Park and Recreation Dept. at 235-1169. SDMC 63.0102 (c)(24).
Roller skates, skateboards and similar devices
The above are NOT permitted on ANY roadway or sidewalk in Balboa Park. Exceptions: Park Blvd., Richmond St. or Sixth Ave. and those areas of Balboa Park located west of the Cabrillo Bridge or east of Park Blvd. (Morley Field.) SDMC 63.0106(b)
Stay on designated trails.
Hiking and biking is permitted.
Removal of any plants, rocks, natural resources is strictly prohibited and enforced.
Dogs must be leashed and under owner’s control and owner must pick up and dispose of feces.
Garbage must be properly disposed of.
Balboa Park Trail Maps are available at the Balboa Park Visitors Center for $5.50. There are interpretive panels at the main trail heads with maps and regulations. Main trail heads are: Park Blvd./Zoo Place, Park Blvd./Morley Field Drive, Florida Drive/Pershing Drive and Morley Field west of tennis courts and southwest of velodrome.
§59.5.0502 Disturbing, Excessive, Offensive Noises — Declaration of Certain Acts Constituting
The following activities, among others, are declared to cause disturbing, excessive, or offensive noises in violation of this section and are unlawful, namely:
(a) Horns, Signaling Devices, etc. Unnecessary use or operation of horns, signaling devices, or other similar devices, on automobiles, motorcycles, or any other vehicle.
(b) Radios, Television Sets, Phonographs, Loud Speaking Amplifiers and Similar Devices.
(1) Uses Restricted The use or operation of any sound production or reproduction device, radio receiving set, musical instrument, drums, phonograph, television set, loud speakers and sound amplifier or other similar machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in such a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet, or comfort of any reasonable person of normal sensitivity in any area of the City is prohibited. This provision shall not apply to any participant in a licensed parade, or to any person who has been otherwise duly authorized by The City of San Diego to engage in such conduct.
Park hours: 24 Hours
Indoor restroom available