Salty Dog Park
• Sec. 4-45. - Female dogs.
Female dogs in heat shall be confined in a building or other secure enclosure in such a manner that she will not be in contact with another dog, nor create a nuisance. If a female dog is found to be creating a nuisance, the owner may be subject to civil proceedings as provided by G.S. 160A-175. Fines for civil violations are set in the town's fee schedule maintained at the Town Hall.
(Ord. of 11-14-2000(5), art. VI, § 2; Ord. of 2-12-2002, art. VI, § 2; Amend. of 4-12-2011; Amend. of 1-14-2014)
State Law reference— Bitch at large, G.S. 67-2.
• Sec. 4-46. - Unrestrained dogs.
(a) It shall be the duty of the owner of the dog to be responsible for the dog on the premises of the owner. If any dog leaves the premises of the owner without a leash, it shall be deemed to be running at large. If any dog found at large cannot be safely taken up and impounded, any necessary action may be taken by the duly sworn officer. If any dog is found unrestrained, the dog's owner may be charged criminally as provided by G.S. 160A-175, and/or subject to civil penalties as provided in the town's fee schedule.
(b) Subject to section 4-49(d), when signs are placed, erected or installed at public beach accesses giving notice thereof, dogs may be on the beach from October 15 to March 15 from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. without a leash under the following conditions:
(1) Dog(s) shall not be left unattended;
(2) Dog(s) must be under visual and voice control at all times;
(3) Do not allow dog(s) to visit with other beach-goers or dogs without permission;
(4) If a dog exhibits aggression toward other dogs or beach-goers, the owner must put the dog on a leash and remove the dog from the beach immediately;
(5) Owners shall be solely responsible for any injury or damage caused by their dog(s); and
(6) Owners shall properly and promptly remove and dispose of all feces left by their dog(s).
(7) It shall be unlawful at all times for a dangerous or vicious dog to be taken on a public beach access or on the public beach.
If any dog is found unrestrained in violation of this subsection, the dog's owner may be charged criminally and/or may be fined $100.00 per offense.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any dangerous or vicious dog, or dangerous animal to be kept, harbored, or otherwise maintained within the town without being restrained in accordance with the definition of restraint as spelled out in section 4-49(a). If any dangerous or vicious dog, or dangerous animal is found unrestrained, the owner shall be criminally charged and/or fined $500.00 per violation.
(Ord. of 11-14-2000(5), art. VI, § 3; Ord. of 2-12-2002, art. VI, § 3; Ord. of 12-9-2003; Amend. of 1-9-2007; Amend. of 2-13-2007(2); Ord. of 4-14-2009; Amend. of 1-11-2011; Amend. of 4-12-2011; Amend. of 1-14-2014; Amend. of 9-9-2014)