David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55A nice big fenced in space! Communication with David was seamless. He was friendly and welcoming. We enjoyed the amenities such as obstacles, water bowl, hose, pool, and trash bucket. Our pups had a blast running in the large enclosure. It was peaceful and fun. Thanks, David and Sniffspot!Cassandra H.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/680769/D20725F7-66B8-43D6-987C-CB4D5AFCB9F3.jpg)
A nice big fenced in space! Communication with David was seamless. He was friendly and welcoming. We enjoyed the amenities such as obstacles, water bowl, hose, pool, and trash bucket. Our pups had a blast running in the large enclosure. It was peaceful and fun. Thanks, David and Sniffspot!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55David’s 3 Acre SPORT Park is fantastic! My dogs had an amazing time running around and playing fetch. The fenced area is spacious and well-maintained, and I truly appreciate the fence post lights—it makes such a difference now that the days are shorter in winter.
One suggestion for fellow dog owners: it would be wonderful if everyone could place any used toys back on the table or in a designated area after playtime. This way, other dog owners (like myself) can spend our time enjoying the park rather than searching for balls or toys in the field (see photo for how I like to leave the area once we’re done). Thanks to the landowner for creating this great space!Angela O.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/615428/313407FA-C967-476F-801E-4861B13E6B09.jpg)
David’s 3 Acre SPORT Park is fantastic! My dogs had an amazing time running around and playing fetch. The fenced area is spacious and well-maintained, and I truly appreciate the fence post lights—it makes such a difference now that the days are shorter in winter.
One suggestion for fellow dog owners: it would be wonderful if everyone could place any used toys back on the table or in a designated area after playtime. This way, other dog owners (like myself) can spend our time enjoying the park rather than searching for balls or toys in the field (see photo for how I like to leave the area once we’re done). Thanks to the landowner for creating this great space!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great space to have your dog privately exhaust their energy without the interruption of other dogs, cars, people, or other animals. Plenty of space to allow free roaming and running. My dog practically got the zoomies just entering Alyssa J.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/710767/0D4FC9A7-C08A-4E08-B6FF-6AEB55F2F254.jpg)
Great space to have your dog privately exhaust their energy without the interruption of other dogs, cars, people, or other animals. Plenty of space to allow free roaming and running. My dog practically got the zoomies just entering
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55This is a great place! We went today to introduce my dogs to my parents’ new puppy on neutral territory and it was perfect! And they all got along! A perfect afternoon!Jeannette O.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/615735/IMG_2554.1723466686109.jpg)
Jeannette O.
November 2024
This is a great place! We went today to introduce my dogs to my parents’ new puppy on neutral territory and it was perfect! And they all got along! A perfect afternoon!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55My dogs had a blast !! The areas were clean with plenty of running room. Fresh water is available JUDITH R.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/261418/IMG_5701.1710822322926.jpeg)
My dogs had a blast !! The areas were clean with plenty of running room. Fresh water is available
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55We brought all three dogs. The space was great! Although we had freezing temperatures they supplied water and we were so grateful because the dogs needed it because they ran, used the agility equipment and had a lot of fun! Highly recommend and will book it again in the near future. Thank you David! Pat M.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/606033/818A097D-E583-48BC-B0FE-7E9827117E79.jpg)
We brought all three dogs. The space was great! Although we had freezing temperatures they supplied water and we were so grateful because the dogs needed it because they ran, used the agility equipment and had a lot of fun! Highly recommend and will book it again in the near future. Thank you David!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Space used to be one big open space, it’s now been partitioned - but you can move from one space to the other easily and it didn’t affect our play.
Couldn’t find poop bags, but did have my own. Trash cans for refuse were easy to find. Water bowls available, I had to turn in the water at the spigot which was kind of hidden, but I think you should bring your own water once the temps get colder. Plenty of left over toys in the yard, we did bring our own ball though. There were a few ball throwers around.
I love the space and brought my dog there, it’s great for them to run and loose sight of you and practice a far recall. Fence was intact and reinforced in potentially weak areas.
Jill K.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/58661/C759CD6F-C5AC-42EF-AA35-48B83818B0E6.jpg)
Space used to be one big open space, it’s now been partitioned - but you can move from one space to the other easily and it didn’t affect our play.
Couldn’t find poop bags, but did have my own. Trash cans for refuse were easy to find. Water bowls available, I had to turn in the water at the spigot which was kind of hidden, but I think you should bring your own water once the temps get colder. Plenty of left over toys in the yard, we did bring our own ball though. There were a few ball throwers around.
I love the space and brought my dog there, it’s great for them to run and loose sight of you and practice a far recall. Fence was intact and reinforced in potentially weak areas.
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Our dog loved it! We’ve been looking for large, fenced in areas for him to run around in and be safe. We will be back!Bobbi R.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/28231/photo.jpg)
Our dog loved it! We’ve been looking for large, fenced in areas for him to run around in and be safe. We will be back!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55My German Shepherd and I loved it here! Tons of space to roam and explore and so many thoughtful touches. Well maintained and secure. Grateful that a place like this exists. We will definitely be back!!Shawna K.![avatar]()
My German Shepherd and I loved it here! Tons of space to roam and explore and so many thoughtful touches. Well maintained and secure. Grateful that a place like this exists. We will definitely be back!!
David's 5 Acre Fully Fenced and Dog boarding service | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55This was my first time using Sniff Spot and it couldn’t have been more perfect! Fully fenced 5 acres of pure fun for our Vizsla pup! She was able to safely run around at full speed and just explore on her own. We look forward to booking here
on a regular basis!!
Michelle B.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/785711/1CBA5B1E-A7A7-4783-8698-4D479A53DC2F.jpg)
This was my first time using Sniff Spot and it couldn’t have been more perfect! Fully fenced 5 acres of pure fun for our Vizsla pup! She was able to safely run around at full speed and just explore on her own. We look forward to booking here
on a regular basis!!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Love the space. David was very nice and telling me information about the day camp and coming soon boarding. Will be booking again Angela G.Love the space. David was very nice and telling me information about the day camp and coming soon boarding. Will be booking again
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55A great spot! This is actually an already existing spot the owner divided roughly in half with a fence covered with cloth to break it up visually too. There is still plenty of room to run, throw balls, and explore in the brambles. When another user came to use the other half of the property their dogs and mine barked at each other but for us this was a good exercise for my pups in calling them away and practicing ‘leave it’. The fence is solid and while all the dogs knew there were other dogs on the other side, they couldn’t really see each other and the dogs were fully separated. My dogs came home more tired than usual (yay!) because of the impromptu obedience-with-distraction practice. For us this all was a good thing for my often too social dogs, but ymmv. Cynthia S.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/64657/D97CC593-1F40-41BD-B598-C1E00A5FCFF8.1624543721574.jpeg)
A great spot! This is actually an already existing spot the owner divided roughly in half with a fence covered with cloth to break it up visually too. There is still plenty of room to run, throw balls, and explore in the brambles. When another user came to use the other half of the property their dogs and mine barked at each other but for us this was a good exercise for my pups in calling them away and practicing ‘leave it’. The fence is solid and while all the dogs knew there were other dogs on the other side, they couldn’t really see each other and the dogs were fully separated. My dogs came home more tired than usual (yay!) because of the impromptu obedience-with-distraction practice. For us this all was a good thing for my often too social dogs, but ymmv.
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55It was great! Super private and great for my reactive dog. You couldn’t hear any other dogs barking just traffic sounds because you are a main road. A little difficult to spot if you don’t know the dog daycare plans. Other than that my pups had a great time exploring and playing. Brenna L.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/418037/DE20DED2-4C6C-402C-BBEA-4ED40016D344.jpg)
It was great! Super private and great for my reactive dog. You couldn’t hear any other dogs barking just traffic sounds because you are a main road. A little difficult to spot if you don’t know the dog daycare plans. Other than that my pups had a great time exploring and playing.
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Our pups absolutely loved it…nice open place to run with nice sitting area for us to sit and watch the pups play ❤️🐾Eleanor R.Our pups absolutely loved it…nice open place to run with nice sitting area for us to sit and watch the pups play ❤️🐾
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55We love bringing our puppy here to get her energy out. it's very well maintained and has lots of space! Cassidy H.We love bringing our puppy here to get her energy out. it's very well maintained and has lots of space!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55well maintained and a great sniff spot, we will continue to use this spot for the foreseeable future, thanks for providing a safe and fun area!Lisa O.well maintained and a great sniff spot, we will continue to use this spot for the foreseeable future, thanks for providing a safe and fun area!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Very kind host. Spot is great, big open area and then some trails towards the back. Was also very well lit, which we were relieved to find because we forgot it gets dark at 5pm now lol.
Was easy to find based on the directions. There are actually 2 SniffSpots back there!Charlotte S.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/60785/A20D4566-467E-4BFF-9E00-BE44C4B11E33.1652982669972.jpeg)
Charlotte S.
November 2024
Very kind host. Spot is great, big open area and then some trails towards the back. Was also very well lit, which we were relieved to find because we forgot it gets dark at 5pm now lol.
Was easy to find based on the directions. There are actually 2 SniffSpots back there!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55I loved it here as well as my dog. I brought eleven family members to celebrate my German Shepherds 2nd Birthday. He had so much fun as did I. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone!Nikoli P.![avatar]()
I loved it here as well as my dog. I brought eleven family members to celebrate my German Shepherds 2nd Birthday. He had so much fun as did I. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great space for my two to run and sniff and do general dog stuff! There is a great mix of cut grass & wild brush for them to explore. Having a water dish & hose available was great to give them a quick drink before our 1/2-hour ride home. They had so much physical and mental stimulation that they came home and basically passed out!! We will be back for sure!Karen B.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/702083/AE2E3171-44AC-4CDE-A4C8-3E9C806C633E.jpg)
Great space for my two to run and sniff and do general dog stuff! There is a great mix of cut grass & wild brush for them to explore. Having a water dish & hose available was great to give them a quick drink before our 1/2-hour ride home. They had so much physical and mental stimulation that they came home and basically passed out!! We will be back for sure!
spot not available | Sniffspot
Wind GapPennsylvania18091US
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55This was our first time visiting this spot and I absolutely loved it. My dog had such a great time running and exploring. We will definitely be visiting again!ShaneKelly B.![avatar](https://data.sniffspot.com/full-fit-in/64x64/Users/721293/1000016741.1736597599928.jpg)
ShaneKelly B.
November 2024
This was our first time visiting this spot and I absolutely loved it. My dog had such a great time running and exploring. We will definitely be visiting again!