Dog Park at North Brunswick Community Park
Township of North Brunswick Community Park
Dog Park Rules and Regulations
1. The park is open daily from 8:00 am until sunset.
2. No animals other than dogs may be brought into the fenced area of the park.
3. Owners must provide that their dog is currently licensed and vaccinated for rabies, Bordetella, and DHLP (combination of distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis and prainfluenza) to acquire a Dog Park Pass. A dog park pass must be obtained for each dog. Current license and rabies tags must be worn on the dog’s collar at all times. Passes are linked to the expiration date of vaccinations. Owners who let vaccinations expire should expect a 48-hour delay from the time new vaccination information is provided to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services until they can use the dog park.
4. Owners must provide proof of spaying and neutering of their dogs. All dogs must be leashed until safely inside the fenced in area. The dogs must be leashed prior to exiting the fenced in area. Owners must have 1(one) leash per dog at all times.
5. Dog owners must remain in the fenced area while their dogs are using the dog park. Owners must be in view of their dogs at all times.
6. Children accompanying dog owners must be strictly supervised and at least 12 (twelve) years old to be allowed inside the fenced area. Spectators should remain outside the fenced area.
7. Owners must immediately leash and remove dogs from the dog park at the first sign of aggression, hostile, or combative behavior.
8. Owners must dispose of waste properly in the designated on-site containers.
9. While small, bite sized training treats are permitted, food in bowls, long-lasting chews, or glass containers are not allowed.
10. Smoking and eating are not allowed inside the dog park. Cigarette butts and food wrappers are tempting and unhealthy for dogs.
11. Sick dogs are not allowed. Owners of dogs with a known sickness or displaying sick behavior will be required to remove their dogs from the park.
12. No more than 2 (two) dogs per person are allowed on any single visit.
13. Puppies less then 4 (four) months old are not permitted.
14. New Jersey State Law requires all dog bites to be reported to the Animal Control Officer at (732)247-0922 ext 259. In addition, owners are required to assist in the investigation of incidents of aggression or biting by providing appropriate identification and information to Police, Parks and Recreation Officials and to other dog owners who are involved with the incident under investigation. Owners are liable for any injury or damage caused by their dog and fully responsible for their dog’s actions.
15. Dog owners who fail to comply with any of the established rules and regulations will be subject to revocation of their dog park pass.
Park hours: 8:00 am until sunset
No fee info
North Brunswick Township, NJ