Akron Dog Park at Cascade Valley Park
Akron Dog Park Rules
Rules for Akron Dog Park have been adopted by the leadership of Better Akron Recreation for Canines. They are designed to keep the park a safe and healthful environment for every visitor, dog and human alike. Like other Ohio dog parks, Akron Dog Park is not supervised or patrolled, it is vital that all visitors obey these rules and behave responsibly and courteously toward each other at all times. Thank you.
Our Park Facilities
Akron Dog Park is comprised of the parking lot, the fenced park areas and the service access road leading to and from the park gates. These rules apply to all park areas.
• Akron Dog Park is for dogs and their humans only. No other animals may be brought in.
• Hours are dawn until dusk daily all year.Observance of all posted rules, as well as applicable Ohio law and Akron’s ordinances, is essential to the safety and well-being of park visitors, both dogs and their humans.
• Visitors to the park are responsible for keeping it clean.
o Dog’s waste must be picked up by their handlers, properly bagged and deposited in the bins provided. Picking up “orphan poops” is encouraged.
o Other trash and garbage must be placed in trash or recycling bins.
o No glass containers are permitted in the park.
• Human food and alcoholic beverages are not permitted inside the park at any time.
• Cigarette smoking is permitted only outside the fenced area. Cigarettes must be safely extinguished and deposited in appropriate receptacles.
Our Park Visitors
• Akron Dog Park is not supervised. VISITORS AND THEIR DOGS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK, and they are responsible and will be held liable for any damage or injury they or their dog cause to another dog, to any person and to park property.
• Children under the age of 16 may enter the park’s fenced area only when accompanied by and actively supervised by a responsible adult.
• Dogs are permitted at the park only when accompanied and actively supervised by at least one handler of at least 18 years of age and no handler may exit the fenced area leaving any dog inside.
• Only healthy dogs at least 4 months old, current on mandatory vaccinations and not in ANY stage of heat are permitted in the park.
• Dogs must be leashed at all times except when inside the fenced area of the park, and handlers must keep their dogs’ leashes in their possession and available for immediate use if necessary while their dogs are inside.
• Dogs visiting Akron Dog Park must be collared or harnessed with accurate ID tags, and current dog license and rabies tags. CHOKE/PINCH/PRONG COLLARS are not permitted inside the fenced area of the park.
• No single handler may bring more than 3 dogs into the park at any one time.
• Only dog toys are permitted inside the fenced area of the park, and favorite toys from home are NOT recommended because “sharing” will happen.
Dog Behavior
• Dogs exhibiting vicious, fierce, overly-aggressive or dangerous behavior are not permitted in the park at any time.
• Any dog unexpectedly exhibiting aggressive behavior should be leashed immediately and, if necessary, removed from the park.
• Stay alert to your dog’s behavior because ordinary play can suddenly escalate into aggression and even attack, and your intervention may become necessary.
Incidents at Akron Dog Park
• Visitors involved in any incident involving injury to a person or dog should exchange accurate personal contact information (name, telephone numbers, etc.) and veterinary contacts. Cell phone cameras can be helpful in documenting information.
• In an emergency, visitors should dial 911 for assistance from area emergency crews. Non-emergencies should dial (330)375-2181 for Akron Police Department assistance or 311 for the Akron Animal Warden.
• Akron Dog Park’s street address: 499 Memorial Parkway, Akron OH
• Non-emergencies should be reported as soon as possible to BARC at (330)510-1DOG [(330) 510-1364] or by using the Contact Us section of this website.
• Please be aware Akron Dog Park is not supervised or patrolled. The police department, dog warden and BARC are NOT responsible for enforcing dog park rules. Visit at your own risk and self-enforce rules.
Park hours: Dawn until dusk
Small dog friendly
Agility equipment
Dog drinking water