David R. Gafin Dog Park
Dogs must be off-leash while in the Dog Park Area
No Responsible Person shall have more than two (2) dogs at once in the Dog Park Area.
It shall be unlawful for any Responsible Person in a Dog Park Area not to immediately pick up and properly dispose of the feces of the dog(s) for which they are responsible.Proper disposal shall include the placement of such feces in a bag or other container and its disposal in a waste container.
Minors fourteen (14) years of age and younger must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age while in a designated Dog Park Area, and such children are not permitted to run, shout, scream, wave their arms, or otherwise excite or antagonize dogs in a designated Dog Park Area.
No dogs are permitted in a designated Dog Park Area except during posted hours of operation
All Responsible Persons shall, at all times, take all reasonable precautions to prevent their dog(s) from biting, attacking or attempting to bite or attack any person or dog. A responsible person shall immediately remove his or her dog from the Dog Park Area if it bites, attacks or attempts to bite or attack any person or dog. A Responsible Person whose dog is bitten or attacked shall immediately remove his or her dog from the Dog Park Area.
Any dog over the age of four (4) months must be vaccinated for Rabies and Parvo and legally licensed prior to use of the Dog Park Area. Dogs under the age of four (4) months are prohibited from any Dog Park Area pursuant to section 121690 of the Health and Safety Code. The owner or other persons having charge, care, custody or control, including but not limited to the Responsible Person, of the dog in a Dog Park Area must be able to produce upon request by proper authorities, vaccination records for the dog.
No person shall place or allow to be placed a dog that is sick or in heat in the designated Dog Park Area.
No person shall place an aggressive dog, of any breed, in a designated Dog Park Area even if such dog is on a leash.
Spiked, pinch and shock collars are not allowed.
All Responsible Persons using a Dog Park Area must have a leash in their possession or reasonably accessible at all times for each of their dog(s) in the Dog Park Area, which shall be worn by the dog(s) at all times the dog(s) is(are) not in the designated Dog Park Area. All Responsible Persons shall maintain control over their dog(s) at all times whether leashed or unleashed.
No person shall bring any animal other than a dog to a Dog Park Area unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Director of Parks and Recreation.
Use of any Dog Park Area by a Responsible Person and his or her dog(s) shall constitute implied consent of the Responsible Person to all of the conditions set forth in this section, a waiver of liability benefiting the City of Downey, and an agreement and undertaking to protect, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Downey harmless for any and all injury or damages caused by a Responsible Person's dog during any time that dog is in the Dog Park Area.
The provisions of this Chapter shall be enforceable by any police officer, animal control officer, park employee, or other code enforcement officer of the City or the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority.
Any dog which has been repeatedly aggressive or attempted to attack or bite another dog or a person, or whose Responsible Person fails on more than two (2) occasions to abide by the reasonable rules and regulations applicable to the Dog Park Area may be barred from further use of the Dog Park Area by notice and order of the City, in its discretion.
Definition: \"Responsible Person\" shall mean any person who owns, has proprietary or possessory interest in, harbors or has the care, charge, control, custody or possession of any animal specified.
Small dog friendly
Indoor restroom available