Have you heard the buzz about dock diving lately? Dock dogs calls it the fastest-growing sport on four legs. Dock diving, or dock jumping, is a high energy aquatic activity where dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes launch themselves off of a raised dock into a pool of water. (Sometimes they even retrieve a toy in the air before making a splash.)
Dock diving is increasingly popular with everyday pet parents who want to do more with their furry best friends.
Think you and your own companion might enjoy getting your toes wet? We’ve put together everything you need to know to get started!
Here's a look at what dock diving is, how dock jumping competitions work, possible benefits, physical risks, dock diving training tips, and more. You'll be on your way to a local event in no time.
What is dock diving?
At its simplest: Dock diving is an aquatic dog sport where dogs leap off a dock in pursuit of a toy. It tests a canine's jumping ability, strength, retrieving skills, and confidence!
Dock diving pool setup
Dock dive events always take place near a body of water. This is typically a pool (but more rarely dogs might leap into a large natural water source, especially in a more casual competition or "just for fun" activity). Competition organizers construct a level dock that provides an even platform for dogs to jump into the water. This runway is elevated to create a clear jumping path.
There are three main versions of dock diving competitions
North America Diving Dogs (NADD) calls Distance Jump the quintessential dock jumping event. If you conjure a mental image when you hear "dock diving," this is probably it: A dog waits until their handler throws a toy (usually a floating bumper) and releases them to jump after it into a pool. You can think of it like the canine long jump. Dogs compete to see how far they can jump from the dock into the water—jump distance is measured from the end of the dock to where the base of the dog's tail enters the water.
Big Air is the most common way for dogs to get started dock diving.
In Air Retrieve, dogs leap into the air after a bumper that's suspended overhead on a specialized apparatus. The focus is on height rather than distance—you can think of Extreme Vertical like the canine high jump. Each dog's achievement is measured based on the highest point reached by their paws.
Speed retrieve is a variation of dock diving where dogs compete to retrieve a toy from the end of the pool in the shortest amount of time. Each dog starts at the end of the dock before racing into the water to grab the floating bumper and return it to their handler as quickly as possible. NADD says Hydro Dash is one of the most exciting and action-packed events—it expertly showcases the speed and agility of participating dogs.
The history of dock jumping
Dock diving first arrived on the dog sports scene in 1997 when pet food company Purina introduced the event in their Incredible Dog Challenge. Within three years, DockDogs hosted their first event at the ESPN 2000 Great Outdoor Games competition.
Less than two decades later, several dock diving organizations had formed to host competitions for dogs of all breeds. Splash Dogs appeared in 2003, Ultimate Air Dogs (UAD) in 2005, and North America Diving Dogs (NADD) in 2014.
Here's a high level timeline:
While some dog sports begin with the intent to prove quality breeding stock, dock diving started for no other purpose than pets and people having fun together. It's exciting to watch our canine companions move so athletically!
Today, dock diving is most common in the United States and United Kingdom. Dogs in countries like Australia, Germany, and Austria can also compete with their handlers.
How do dock diving dog sport competitions work?
Dock dive events are held in a fun—yet competitive—atmosphere. Dogs of all breeds and sizes participate. Professional trainers run their companions alongside everyday pet parents!
Exact details can vary depending on which dock diving organization runs each competition. If you're thinking of competing with your own pup, chances are you'll find yourself at a DockDogs or North America Diving Dogs event.
Dock diving organizations
Some of the prominent organizations dedicated to dock diving include:
- North America Diving Dogs (NADD): NADD is one of the largest dock diving organizations in North America. They offer a competitive platform for dogs of all breeds and sizes. NADD events can be found in various locations throughout the United States and Canada.
- Ultimate Air Dogs (UAD): UAD is another popular organization that hosts dock diving events across North America. They provide opportunities for dogs to compete in distance jumps, as well as other dock diving disciplines.
- DockDogs: DockDogs is a well-known international organization that organizes dock diving competitions in North America, Europe, and Australia. They offer various competitive divisions, including distance jumping, vertical jumps, and speed retrieve.
- Splash Dogs: Splash Dogs is a dock diving organization that primarily operates in the United States. They host events and competitions where dogs compete in distance jumps and other dock diving activities.
The day of a dock diving competition
Usually, the process looks like:
- Arrive at the dock diving competition venue
- Check in with the event organizers
- Set up a comfortable area for your dog while waiting for your turn
- Competition hosts will direct you when it's time for your pup's run
When in doubt? Just show up. No, we're not kidding—dock diving is one of the most welcoming, casual dog sports out there! It's perfectly normal for newbies to arrive at events simply to see what they're all about. (Just don't expect to immediately compete or earn any titles your first visit.)

Benefits of dock diving
- Dock diving is an excellent way for high strung, water loving dogs to productively channel their mental and physical energy.
- Because dock diving is open to dogs of any breed, it’s a welcoming sport to a huge range of dog owners. This makes it the perfect environment to meet fellow dog lovers, form friendships, and ultimately feel part of a community. (This can be especially important in post-pandemic times, when many dogs and humans have been unable to get enough socialization to keep them mentally healthy.)
- Speaking of socialization: Because of the diversity of competitors, dock diving is an opportunity to give your dog safe, fun exposure to other dogs and people! While it’s generally not recommended for incredibly fearful dogs (you’ll want to do some foundational confidence building first) dog sports like dock diving can help you take your dog’s self esteem to the next level.
- Dock diving is fun! While there are competitions—and some participants get pretty serious—many dog handlers pursue the sport simply for the joy of seeing their canine companion fly through the air and happily swim.
Risks of dock diving
- Dogs leaping from the dock into the water may land awkwardly or collide with the dock, leading to injuries such as sprains, strains, or even fractures. High-impact landings can put stress on a dog's joints and musculoskeletal system. The possibility increases if they repeatedly jump from significant heights or at incorrect angles. Thankfully, though, this is a small risk with proper training and competition setup.
- Dogs with pre-existing health conditions or joint problems—or those of certain breeds prone to specific health issues—should be evaluated by a veterinarian to determine if dock diving is suitable for them. Some dogs may have limitations or increased risks due to their health status.
The benefits and risks bring us to the central question of this piece: Is dock diving the right sport for you?
Is dock diving the right dog sport for your dog?
Dock diving is open to just about any dog. The sport welcomes mixed breeds and purebred pups alike! Many pet parents who try out dock diving find themselves quickly hooked, especially if their dogs are natural water lovers.
Dock jumping's popularity doesn't mean every pet is going to enjoy the high energy environment, though. And that’s okay! There’s a huge range of dog sports (and other noncompetitive activities) you can pursue with your canine companion. No one type of exercise is inherently better than all the others.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not dock diving is right for you and your pup.
Dock diving dogs should be in good physical health
Like most dog sports, dock diving competitions require your dog to be in good physical health. If your pet suffers from any gait, muscle, or joint issues, you should check with your veterinarian before pursuing any new activity.
Dock jumping dogs should be physically mature
You should also keep age restrictions in mind. Avoid over exercising your puppy until their joints are well developed and their growth plates have closed!
Dock diving dogs are a wide range of breeds
Some dog sports favor working dogs because they require an intense combination of athletic ability and focus in the face of distractions. While dock diving does ask for those things—it’s a challenging sport in many ways—the environment tends to be more casual. Dock jumping lends itself well to people and pets who are simply looking for a good time.
Dock jumping might involve being near other dogs
Is your dog reactive to people or animals? Are you training through issues around other dogs? It's still possible to start dock diving. Just know that entering the sport might be a little more difficult.
As far as enrichment activities and dog sports go, dock diving is compatible with a wide range of canine personalities. While competitions usually do have many other pets and people present—and depending on the exact venue, things can get loud from time to time—each dog runs and jumps off of the dock by themselves. It’s possible to separate your companion from others if you need to!
If you’re interested in dock diving but aren’t sure your dog can handle performing around a crowd yet, get in touch with a professional dog trainer! They’ll be able to help you develop a training plan and set realistic goals.
We also have several articles on dog reactivity on the Sniffspot blog.

How to get your dog started dock diving
Think dock diving may be a good fit for your dog? Read on!
Attend a dock diving event in person first if possible
The best way to get started is to attend a dock diving event in your area. This lets you see for yourself what your canine is expected to do and the format of competitions.
To locate your local dock diving community, there are a few things you can try:
- Search Facebook for dock diving facilities nearby
- Research dock diving online by searching for phrases like “dock diving near me” and “dock diving dog training near me”
- Ask a local trainer or pet care professional if they have any information or experience with dock diving
Like any dog sporting event, finding a community of dog guardians immersed in the sport can provide a great resource. They'll be able to answer any questions you may have, teach you about future competitions, and tell you what it takes to train a dock diving dog.
Begin foundational dock diving training with your dog
Can’t find a dock diving community near you? Simply want to see if your dog would even enjoy participating in such an activity?
There are some things you can do at home to assess your dog's dock jumping interest and current skill level.
Ask your dog to chase a toy you throw
In dock diving, dogs leap off of the dock in pursuit of a toy. Experiment with whether or not your pup enjoys chasing objects you throw! Bumpers are traditionally used in dock diving events.
You can read more about teaching your dog to fetch in this article.
Practice swimming
Dock dogs obviously need to be comfortable in the water. If your dog is a natural swimmer, that’s great! You can move on to having them jump into the water from raised surfaces. If they’re hesitant about getting their fur wet, though? You’ll want to start slowly acclimating them to calm bodies of water to see if swim sessions become something they enjoy.
A relatively private outdoor space—like a Sniffspot location near you—is a great option for teaching your dog to chase a toy or explore water features in preparation for dock diving.
Work on other basic skills like focus, recall, and impulse control
You can read more about teaching your dog a basic cue in this article and learn about recall training in this one. These are good skills to build if you want to compete in any dog sport with your dog.
Practice settling in busy environments
While dog sports generally make us think of fast-paced action, resting is also a huge part of any competition. You should teach your dog to become comfortable at rest in a crate so that they won’t be disruptive or overly excited while other teams are competing during their downtime. This makes sure you’re respectful of the sport environment and sets your dog up for success by ensuring they’re well-rested for their own jumps!
Other ways to exercise your dog besides dock diving
If dock diving doesn’t sound like your thing (or you’re just looking for some other fun activities on top of your new favorite dog sport) we’ve put together several guides on keeping our dogs in top physical and mental shape. Take a look below!
Trainer Review of this Article
There is so much misinformation out there, and we want to make sure we only provide the highest quality information to our community. We have all of our articles reviewed by qualified, positive-only trainers.
This is the trainer that reviewed this article:
Olivia Petersen, CCS, SAPro, FDM
Owner - Sound Connection Dog Training
WSU Bachelors in Animal Science Business Management
Northwest School of Canine Studies (NWSCS) Certification