You want your puppy to be potty trained as quickly as possible. We get it! Cleaning up accidents is no fun. It's hard to manage your own schedule as a pet parent when bathroom breaks are so frequent. And you'll be able to take your pup on more adventures—like to indoor pet-friendly stores and restaurant patios—if you're able to trust they won't empty their bladder where they shouldn't.
While every puppy is an individual, some general guidelines can help you understand if you're on the right track. We promise there's a light at the end of the tunnel (and a break from the enzymatic cleaner and midnight potty trip alarms) coming soon!
Here's how to know if your potty training timeline is reasonable—plus tips to make the house training process as easy as possible on both you and your new dog. We cover:
- How long potty training usually takes
- Factors that influence house training time
- Puppy potty training basics
- When to be concerned if your dog still isn't potty trained
- Further resources, like how to handle potty training regression
How long does potty training a puppy usually take?
It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a puppy to be fully potty trained. Most dogs get the hang of going to the bathroom outside between four to six months of age.

What factors influence potty training time?
The time it takes to potty train your puppy can vary depending on things like your dog's breed, age, socialization, and the consistency of your training.
Your puppy's physical size
Smaller dog breeds have smaller bladders. This means they need to go outside more frequently! There's no way around it—it's just biology. Because larger puppies are more quickly able to hold their urine for a longer amount of time, bladder size can affect the speed of your new dog's potty training.
(Some pet parents opt to use puppy pads or even litter boxes to help with logistics during the initial potty training time with small dogs. You can read more on that below and in this longer article.)
Your puppy's age
Younger puppies have less bladder control. They need more frequent bathroom breaks than older puppies or adolescents.
A common rule of thumb: Puppies can hold their bladders an hour for every month of age, give or take one depending on other circumstances (they'll have to go sooner if they've recently drank a bunch of water, for example, but can last longer if they're sleeping).
General length between potty breaks for your puppy's age
- A two-month-old puppy (eight weeks of age) can hold their bladder for around 1-3 hours.
- A three-month-old puppy can hold it for around 2-4 hours.
- A four-month-old-puppy can last 3-5 hours.
- A five-month-old puppy can go 4-6 hours.
- A six-month-old puppy can last 5-7 hours.
- Adolescents older than seven months can usually hold their bladders as long as fully grown dogs can, between 6-8 hours and sometimes more overnight. Keep in mind you should always give your dog a regular chance to use the bathroom even if they can go longer between breaks. 4-6 hours is a nice interval. (Think about how uncomfortable it is for you to be asked to hold it!)
How you keep a consistent schedule
Routine is everything in house training. Regularly taking your puppy outside to the same designated area—and using consistent cues and positive reinforcement—can help your pup more quickly understand where it's okay to use the bathroom!
Your training techniques
Clear communication, positive reinforcement, and interrupting undesirable eliminations promptly play a significant role in the speed of potty training. It can also make a world of difference to maintain one potty spot!
We cover more of the house training process in the next section.
Your puppy's early socialization
Puppies that have been well-socialized—particularly those who've had supported exposure to different environments and surfaces during their early weeks—may adapt more quickly to using the bathroom in a range of situations. The big outside world can be distracting for a young dog during the potty training process!
Potty training basics
We know the process of house training can be daunting. Here's how to get on your way to potty training success.
Put your puppy on a regular feeding schedule
If your puppy eats on a regular schedule, it will be easier to predict when they need to use the bathroom.
- Feed your puppy at the same time each day. Keep track of when they eat and when they use the bathroom so you can start to notice their individual patterns. Your dog should consistently process food in a predictable period of time. (A bonus of this schedule: You’ll be able to notice any appetite or waste changes right away to get in touch with your vet.)
- Pay attention to any extra treats you give them during the day that might increase their need to relieve themselves. If possible, try to give treats at regular times.
- Give free access to water whenever possible, but be aware of any times they drink more than usual (like after playing or finishing a chew).
Take your puppy outside at regular potty time intervals (and increase the time between bathroom breaks slowly)
It’s important to start small during the potty training process.
Take your dog outside more frequently than you think you need to at first. Then gradually increase the intervals between their potty breaks—only when they’ve shown they can consistently handle the previous amount of time.
To start, it’s a good idea to take your puppy outside on a regular schedule every 1-2 hours. Young dogs often also need to go shortly after they:
- Wake up in the morning or from a nap
- Finish a meal
- Play or engage in another activity
Encourage your puppy to potty in the same area to create a predictable pattern
Dogs are inclined to use the bathroom in the same spot they’ve gone before. You can use this to your advantage outside! Try walking your puppy in a small circle in the same corner of your yard to encourage a healthy habit of eliminating there.
Use positive reinforcement when your dog gets it right
Don’t allow your puppy to play or run around before they’ve gone potty. But as soon as they pee or poop outside? Praise and reward them! You can use small training treats, physical affection, or a favorite toy to celebrate their job well done.
(Note: Wait until after your dog has finished eliminating so you don’t interrupt them in the act. You want to make sure they have time to fully empty their bladder before you offer a tasty treat or fun game. This can take more than 30 seconds as they grow up!)
Keep your puppy in a crate or pen when you’re unable to supervise
Dogs usually don't like to use the bathroom where they sleep or eat. By confining your pup to a smaller space (like a comfortable appropriately sized kennel, wire pen, or room with a baby gate), you can take advantage of this natural instinct to reduce the odds of accidents while you're away.
Is your puppy uncomfortable with confinement in a crate, or have you just never used one before? You can read more about kennel training an adult dog in this article and crate training a new puppy in this one!
You can also consider setting up designated potty pads in your dog’s environment if you have to leave them alone longer than you think they can hold their bladder. A couple variations of this are paper training and litter box training. (They're essentially the same thing, just with different surfaces for your dog to relieve themselves on.)

When should you be concerned if your puppy still isn't potty trained?
As mentioned above, potty training timelines can vary widely among individual dogs. There is no one-size-fits-all answer!
That said: There are general guidelines that can help you assess whether your puppy might need additional attention—or if they could be suffering from an underlying issue.
Most puppies can start learning basic potty training skills as early as eight weeks old. By the time a puppy is six months old, they should have made significant progress in potty training. If your puppy is often having accidents indoors after this age, it may be cause for concern.
Consistency and training
If you have been consistently following a training routine and your puppy still hasn't shown improvement after a few months, evaluate the effectiveness of your training methods.
Are your bathroom break intervals fair to your puppy's bladder development? Are you rewarding your puppy for going outside? How about supervising them closely?
Health issues
Sometimes health issues can contribute to potty training difficulties. If your puppy is having frequent accidents, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying problems like urinary tract infections.
Behavioral issues
Some potty training difficulties may be related to anxiety, fear, or other behavioral problems that hinder the learning process. A professional dog trainer or behaviorist can help you identify and address these concerns!
Life changes
Major life changes, such as moving to a new home or the addition of a new family member or pet, can disrupt a puppy's routine and contribute to potty training regression. It's more important than ever to be patient and consistent with your new dog during these times.
Professional dog trainers are here to help!
If you are concerned about your puppy's potty training progress, consult with your veterinarian and consider seeking the assistance of a professional dog trainer. They can evaluate the specific circumstances where your dog is using the bathroom indoors, provide guidance on your individual progress, and help tailor a training plan that suits both your puppy's needs and your lifestyle.
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Founder - K9 Fun Club Staff Trainer - Summit Assistance Dogs Certified in Canine Studies (CSS), NW School of Canine Studies