BrewHound Dog Park + Bar
Any person is welcome on the porch with or without membership. ALL dogs are welcome on-leash on the porch and no membership is required.
2. Dogs must be on-leash unless they are in the off-leash yard; in the off-leash yard, dogs must be off-leash.
3. The dog park is for dogs, their parent(s), and those guests that may be accompanying them. Membership is required for the off-leash yard. All users must be registered members with BrewHound (or a human guest of a member) to receive access to the off- leash yard.
4. By entering the yard, you permit BrewHound Ruffarees to handle your dog and break up any fights that may ensue.
5. Members must either retain possession of their leashes or utilize leash racks. BrewHound is not responsible for lost leashes; however we will do what we can to help you find them.
6. Only flat-buckle collars should be worn by dogs in the off-leash yard. Harness, prong, pinch, choke and electric collars are not allowed in the park.
7. Prior to gaining access to the off-leash yard, you must check in with a BrewHound Ruffaree and enter the park in a calm manner.
8. Although Ruffarees are available in the park to help supervise your dog, they are not intended to be the sole monitor. Make sure you are checking on your dog(s) periodically if you are not in the yard.
9. At NO point can you leave the property without your dog. This may result in revocation of membership.
10. Use of the dog park is at your own risk. BrewHound will utilize Ruffarees to mitigate for safety risks; however, each owner is solely responsible for their and their dog's actions and assumes all liability for damages suffered by any person or dog injured by the member or the member's dog(s) while utilizing the dog park.
11. No bullies. Rough play is acceptable as long as it is consensual. Rough play is not accepted if the dogs involved aren’t comfortable with the situation. Mounting should be discouraged as it is generally not enjoyed by the dog being mounted. If behavior ensues alteractions are taken to stop the activity, the dog may need to be fully supervised by the owner or asked to take a time-out.
12. No smoking and no food or treats are permitted in the dog park. Beverages purchased at the bar are permitted in the park, however we ask that you please remain responsible for your drink and the safety of it while dogs are running around and jumping for joy. Outside drinks are NOT PERMITTED (outside food is), we do encourage bringing your own empty coffee mug or water bottle (free filtered water provided)!
13. For safety reasons, children, MUST be 14 years of age & up, WITH SCHOOL ID, to enter the off-leash yard. Children of this age will still need to be accompanied by an adult. Children outside the off-leash area must not be allowed to scream, chase the dogs or pet another person’s dog without first getting that person’s permission.
We have games in the events/leashed/patio area for children to play + frolic freely.
14. For safety reasons, all dogs 10 months or older must be fixed to be permitted in the off-leash yard. Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the off-leash yard.
15. Members are to clean up after their dog(s). All waste must be bagged and disposed of properly in the marked receptacles.
16. Members are encouraged to accompany and monitor their dog(s).
17. If aggressive behavior is observed, immediate action will be taken: your dog(s) may be pulled from the pack and ruffarees will do whatever they have to do to prevent the behavior from reoccurring (time-out, redirect behavior, etc.) IF this aggressive behavior persists, we reserve the right to ask for the parent to take the dog for a time-out or to you may be asked to remove your dog(s)from the yard/premises until they can play nicely.
18. Dog fights. Some experts recommend the following method for breaking up a dog fight: each owner grabs their own dog by the nape of the neck and pull up and out away from the other dog, then hold onto the dog until they calm down. No method is risk-free, even your own dog could still bite you. Ruffarees are trained to read signs of aggression before a fight starts, but they cannot always be prevented.
19. ALL TOYS, including tennis type balls, ARE NOT permitted in the park to avoid possessive behavior. Park equipment is to be used at one’s own risk.
20. Members are responsible to ensure their dog(s) do not dig holes or cause other damage to park plants or property. If digging ensues after actions are taken to stop the activity, the dog may need to be fully supervised by the owner.
21. All dogs entering the dog park must be up to date on shots, including rabies vaccines. Dogs with contagious health conditions are not permitted in the park.
22. If for any reason, we must close the off-leash yard briefly to accommodate for maintenance; it will be posted on our website and social media. Advance notice will be given if available.
Park hours: Tues - Thurs: 8am - 10pm
Fri: 8am - 11pm
Sat: 9am - 11pm
Sun: 9am - 10pm
Mon: Closed
Small dog friendly