Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great stop in Seattle if you don’t live in West Seattle or closer to the edges. We’ve been looking for a place way closer to us that we can go to more frequently for a quick ball run a few days a weeks and this is perfect. It Has grass, some space to throw the ball, water/bowl, and chairs. Definitely someone’s backyard space so they have their own things out back so be mindful. Also, two words of caution 1. the gate is tricky to close on your way out and 2. There a very sweet cat who popped into the downstairs sliding door and watched us. Luckily my dog didn’t see the cat otherwise he probably would have barked quite a bit and we try to be mindful of our noise. Marina T.![avatar](
Great stop in Seattle if you don’t live in West Seattle or closer to the edges. We’ve been looking for a place way closer to us that we can go to more frequently for a quick ball run a few days a weeks and this is perfect. It Has grass, some space to throw the ball, water/bowl, and chairs. Definitely someone’s backyard space so they have their own things out back so be mindful. Also, two words of caution 1. the gate is tricky to close on your way out and 2. There a very sweet cat who popped into the downstairs sliding door and watched us. Luckily my dog didn’t see the cat otherwise he probably would have barked quite a bit and we try to be mindful of our noise.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Yard was spacious to throw the ball for our 1 yr old Sheltie. There was a little bit of a gap in the fence when you close it behind you but we stayed in the main area away from the entrance so it wasn’t a problem. Lots of balls of different sizes for the pups were a nice touch. Alyssa S.![avatar]()
Yard was spacious to throw the ball for our 1 yr old Sheltie. There was a little bit of a gap in the fence when you close it behind you but we stayed in the main area away from the entrance so it wasn’t a problem. Lots of balls of different sizes for the pups were a nice touch.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55To see my babies happy again was worth all the money in the world. Moving from a home to a high rise my babes were getting so sad. Love having this app. The hosts backyard was perfect size and kept up. Didn’t have to worry about them getting sick with doggie Covid and they came home happy. Thank you so much! Will definitely be back!Derek L.![avatar](
To see my babies happy again was worth all the money in the world. Moving from a home to a high rise my babes were getting so sad. Love having this app. The hosts backyard was perfect size and kept up. Didn’t have to worry about them getting sick with doggie Covid and they came home happy. Thank you so much! Will definitely be back!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55The yard was really spacious, it was a good place to let off some zoomies. My dog doesn't exactly do the "fetching" part of fetch, but he enjoyed running after and sniffing all the balls providedJonah V.![avatar](
The yard was really spacious, it was a good place to let off some zoomies. My dog doesn't exactly do the "fetching" part of fetch, but he enjoyed running after and sniffing all the balls provided
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55I took my foster dog to Alex's place, and I'm sure it was the best 45 minutes of his life so far. I've never seen him so relaxed and happy. There were lots of balls to play with, nice grass to lie on, shade, and water. He is very dog-reactive but did not get tense or react to dogs barking nearby. The only concern I had was there was a gap at the bottom of the gait, that he could have easily pushed through if a rabbit caught his attention outside. If there could be a 2nd latch at the bottom, it would be ideal. We will return. Carol K.![avatar](
I took my foster dog to Alex's place, and I'm sure it was the best 45 minutes of his life so far. I've never seen him so relaxed and happy. There were lots of balls to play with, nice grass to lie on, shade, and water. He is very dog-reactive but did not get tense or react to dogs barking nearby. The only concern I had was there was a gap at the bottom of the gait, that he could have easily pushed through if a rabbit caught his attention outside. If there could be a 2nd latch at the bottom, it would be ideal. We will return.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Loved the spot and all the balls in the yard to play with. My dogs loved being able to run around and go crazy. They also fully enjoyed cooling down in the shaded areas. Andrea E.![avatar](
Loved the spot and all the balls in the yard to play with. My dogs loved being able to run around and go crazy. They also fully enjoyed cooling down in the shaded areas.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55The fence repair has officially taken this to a 5 star spot! We’ve been a couple times before but were a little nervous about the fence gaps. It is now totally secure and a perfect space for any size dog to get some playtime. Appreciate the bags, water bowl, and toys that are provided, as well as the easy parking and entrance. There’s shade and seating for the humans. Great spot and so glad to have one so close to home!Jenny L.![avatar](
The fence repair has officially taken this to a 5 star spot! We’ve been a couple times before but were a little nervous about the fence gaps. It is now totally secure and a perfect space for any size dog to get some playtime. Appreciate the bags, water bowl, and toys that are provided, as well as the easy parking and entrance. There’s shade and seating for the humans. Great spot and so glad to have one so close to home!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great spot, is as advertised with dog bags, trash bin, a table and chairs (which was great because I could work at the same time) and fence completely enclosed. It was our first time trying sniffspot and I'm seriously so glad we did!Jessica G.![avatar](
Great spot, is as advertised with dog bags, trash bin, a table and chairs (which was great because I could work at the same time) and fence completely enclosed. It was our first time trying sniffspot and I'm seriously so glad we did!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great spot! My Dane loved playing fetch here. Very well fenced and had balls and a water bowl as well as a trash for poo bags. Jess B.Great spot! My Dane loved playing fetch here. Very well fenced and had balls and a water bowl as well as a trash for poo bags.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Best yard I’ve been to so far on this app! The grass is well maintained so my dogs don’t leave covered in dirt. Haylee D.Best yard I’ve been to so far on this app! The grass is well maintained so my dogs don’t leave covered in dirt.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Took my Rosie to have a little reunion with her foster Mom. It was great. Yard is spacious with a nice covered area. We will definitely be back!rukie h.Took my Rosie to have a little reunion with her foster Mom. It was great. Yard is spacious with a nice covered area. We will definitely be back!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great yard! Fence is very secure and private, lots of seating and shade. Balls to play with for pups. Clean yard and great host communication. Check it out!Nikki T.![avatar](
Great yard! Fence is very secure and private, lots of seating and shade. Balls to play with for pups. Clean yard and great host communication. Check it out!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55The spot was as described and Wilbur loved it! There was lots of space to run and shade to rest in. We didn’t see any other dogs, animals, or humans during our visit and the fence was tall and secure.Taylor B.![avatar](
The spot was as described and Wilbur loved it! There was lots of space to run and shade to rest in. We didn’t see any other dogs, animals, or humans during our visit and the fence was tall and secure.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great sized yard for my two dogs to stretch and have zoomies time together! Quiet neighborhood and plenty of seating options for the dog parents. We had a wonderful hour here!Gabrielle C.![avatar](
Great sized yard for my two dogs to stretch and have zoomies time together! Quiet neighborhood and plenty of seating options for the dog parents. We had a wonderful hour here!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Great spot for my dog. A lot of stuff to sniff, lots of balls to play with, and a doggie bowl. Large fenced yard with space to run!Ariana M.Great spot for my dog. A lot of stuff to sniff, lots of balls to play with, and a doggie bowl. Large fenced yard with space to run!
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Alex has a really nice, fully fenced in space. It has plenty of room to run around and chase after tennis balls. There is water and poop bags available.Anna S.Alex has a really nice, fully fenced in space. It has plenty of room to run around and chase after tennis balls. There is water and poop bags available.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55So far it’s my favorite, it’s pretty spacious and flat. Easy tu run around with your pups and play ball. Fully fence, the gate has a small weak spot that kept me in edge because my big dog is nervous/reactive with other dogs and I was afraid that my dog would get triggered by the dog across the street. Never the less, this is my favorite place so far and help me develop trust in my dog since he didn’t mind any noises. Enrique S.![avatar](
So far it’s my favorite, it’s pretty spacious and flat. Easy tu run around with your pups and play ball. Fully fence, the gate has a small weak spot that kept me in edge because my big dog is nervous/reactive with other dogs and I was afraid that my dog would get triggered by the dog across the street. Never the less, this is my favorite place so far and help me develop trust in my dog since he didn’t mind any noises.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55Alex’s space was great. Our pup had a ton of fun with plenty of room to run around and chase his toys. He loved the various larger balls that were available in the yard too. We really appreciated the water bowl that was on hand. Thanks Alex! We’ll def be back. Shawna K.![avatar](
Alex’s space was great. Our pup had a ton of fun with plenty of room to run around and chase his toys. He loved the various larger balls that were available in the yard too. We really appreciated the water bowl that was on hand. Thanks Alex! We’ll def be back.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55This is a great new spot, lots of room to run, shelter from the rain and bright sun too. Alex is very responsive. Barb P.This is a great new spot, lots of room to run, shelter from the rain and bright sun too. Alex is very responsive.
Alex's Fully Fenced Yard For Dogs To Rent In Seattle | Sniffspot
Sniffspotsupport@sniffspot.comUnited StatesDavid AdamsFounder
55This yard is large and has TONS of balls, big and small, which my dogs LOVE. Will be coming back another time 🙂Meghan G.This yard is large and has TONS of balls, big and small, which my dogs LOVE. Will be coming back another time 🙂