Bee stings are a common injury in active dogs, especially curious puppies and adolescents who might try to chase after buzzing insects. (These furry friends often have a habit of chasing other wild animals, too).
Thankfully, most dogs who suffer a bee or wasp sting are just fine after an initial period of discomfort. Some bee sting incidents do require immediate medical attention, though. If that's the case, you don't want to wait to get your pup to the vet!
Here’s all the buzz about bee stings in dogs. We cover:
- How dogs get stung by bees
- Risks and complications of bee stings in dogs
- What to do if your dog gets stung by a pee
- How to prevent bee stings in the first place
- Resources to learn more about safely adventuring with your dog
1) How do dogs get stung by bees?
Bees usually sting our pets when dogs accidentally disturb an individual insect or its larger nest. This is particularly likely if the hive is located in the ground. Nests can be hard to see from far away!
Most dog bee stings are a result of:
General curiosity
Many dogs—especially juveniles like young puppies—have a curious nature. This openness to experience is one of the things our human ancestors loved best about our early canine companions. It can also be the source of a lot of trouble in our modern world, though.
Dogs might investigate bees without realizing the flying insects can cause pain. When your pup gets too close to a bee, they might feel threatened and respond with a sting.
Focused chasing of large insects
Some dogs have a playful or prey instinct to chase insects, including bees. This can be a recipe for a sting.
Accidental disturbance of a bee hive
Dogs may come across bee nests or hives while exploring outdoor areas. If your dog disturbs a hive, the bees may swarm in defense.

2) What are the risks of bee stings in dogs?
Bee stings in dogs vary in severity. Most bees cause only mild reactions. People and pets get stung everyday without lasting harm! But some dogs may experience more severe consequences leading to a medical emergency.
Factors like the number of stings, the location of the stings, your dog's size, and whether they have any allergies to bee venom can make the difference between a simple "oops" moment and a serious medical issue.
Risks and side effects of your dog getting stung by a bee include:
Localized pain and mild swelling
Most dogs will experience localized pain, redness, and swelling at the site of the bee sting. This is a common reaction. It's usually not a cause for concern!
Allergic reactions
Some dogs can have allergic reactions to bee stings. Mild allergic reactions may include more pronounced swelling around the sting site, hives, and itching.
In severe cases, a dog may experience an anaphylactic reaction (often called anaphylactic shock) which is a potentially life-threatening emergency situation. Anaphylaxis can cause difficulty breathing, facial swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, collapse, and shock.
Secondary infections
In some cases, the bee sting site can become infected. This might be more likely if your dog scratches or licks the area excessively.
Stings in sensitive areas are more risky
Bee stings in sensitive areas such as the mouth, throat, or eyes can cause additional complications, like swelling that interferes with breathing. These stings also cause more severe discomfort that can limit your dog's typical activities.
Multiple stings create a greater risk of complications
If your dog is stung multiple times, the increased volume of venom increases the risk of a more severe reaction. These complications are most serious in smaller dogs and those with underlying health issues.
Bee stings can make dogs fearful of the environment where they were stung
Dogs learn by association. (We cover their cognition and more in the dog training articles of our blog.) Because of this, some sensitive dogs might become fearful of things they associate with their bee sting—like a specific corner of your yard, a certain toy, or even a nearby smell.
If your pup has recovered physically from being stung but seems to be acting “off” afterward—perhaps they show fearful body language, refuse to play when they usually love games, or otherwise give you cause for concern—it’s a great idea to get in touch with a certified force free trainer. A dog professional can work out a plan to help them feel better! Training might include counter conditioning and desensitization. It should always happen at your dog’s pace.

3) What to do if your dog gets stung by a bee
First things first: Get your dog—and yourself—out of the vicinity. While honeybees leave their stingers behind and eventually die, most other bees (including bumblebees, hornets, yellow jackets, and their cousin the wasp) can sting multiple times.
Remove the stinger
If your dog gets stung by a bee, you need to remove the stinger as soon as possible. This helps minimize the amount of venom injected into the skin.
Follow these steps to safely remove a bee stinger from your dog.
- Locate the stinger: Look for the stinger on your dog's skin. It appears as a tiny black or dark brown protrusion at the sting site.
- Use a credit card or other blunt object: Avoid using your fingers to prevent squeezing more venom into the skin. Instead, use a credit card, a blunt knife, or the edge of a plastic ID card to gently scrape the stinger out.
- Scrape the stinger: Hold the card or blunt object at an angle and gently scrape it across the skin, starting from the base of the stinger and moving outward. Do this in a swift and smooth motion to remove the stinger.
- Check for residue: After removing the stinger, check if any venom sac remains on the skin. If you see a small sac, also gently scrape it off with the card.
Calm the surrounding skin
Once the stinger is removed, clean your dog's bee sting area with mild soap and water to prevent infection. Baking soda pastes and oatmeal baths are popular options to soothe your pup’s irritated skin if they’re having a hard time.
Try to reduce swelling
You might consider applying a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the affected area to help reduce swelling. Important note: Do not place ice directly on your dog’s skin! This can cause frost bite (not to mention will feel uncomfortable or even painful for them).
Reach out to your veterinarian about antihistamine medication
If your dog has a history of mild allergic reactions to bee stings—or if you notice extreme swelling or hives—you may consider giving them a veterinarian-approved antihistamine.
Always consult your vet before administering any medication to your dog!
Watch your dog closely for any allergic reactions
Keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction. These might include:
- difficulty breathing
- severe swelling
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- weakness
- collapse
- and any other out-of-the-norm behavior that comes on suddenly
If you observe any of these symptoms, seek immediate veterinary attention!
Comfort your dog!
If your dog gets stung by a bee, chances are you both feel pretty shaken up afterward.
Don’t hesitate to comfort your dog. It’s important your canine companion sees you as a safe, secure attachment figure who’s there for them in times of need! You might have heard that you can "reinforce their fear"—but this is a myth. Fear is an emotion, not a behavior.
Just be sure to speak calmly, move predictably, and avoid revving your pup up further. Your own demeanor can make a big difference.
4) How can you prevent future bee stings moving forward?
Monitor your dog when out in nature
To reduce the risk of bee stings, be cautious during outdoor activities—especially in areas with a lot of bee activity. Avoid areas with known beehives. Stay away from flowering plants where bees may be feeding.
Keep your dog on a leash when required
Keep your dog on a leash whenever trails, parks, or other natural areas require it. When in doubt about whether or not you'll encounter in-ground beehives? Leashing your pup can help ensure they stay on the beaten path—and away from nests.
Teach a solid “leave it” cue
A strong “leave it” cue can come in handy if your pup likes to chase insects. If they start to fixate on a bee, you’ll be able to let them know to focus on you instead to avoid getting stung.
5) Resources for safe dog-friendly adventures
Learn more about keeping your pup healthy on all your outings in the below articles!
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There is so much misinformation out there, and we want to make sure we only provide the highest quality information to our community. We have all of our articles reviewed by qualified, positive-only trainers or veterinarians.
This is the professional that reviewed this article:
Amber Holly, BS, RVT, LVT